SOCIAL MEDIA VS SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS. Can we truly define the meaning of either of them?

As we remember 9/11, I am shocked to current reality by a story of a young fan denied an autograph and all the “media attention” such a story evokes.

In the shadow of a day which literally changed the way we live in America the most talked about post in my “social media feed” with thousands of engagements is about a Jersey and an autograph.

Like “swatting” and licking ice cream and fighting for the camera - literally - we have seen the very nature of human behavior slide in an interesting direction.

Just ask Judge Cavanaugh how quickly social justice warrior can turn the tables with social media.

As leaders we MUST be clear and firm on our core values. Understand when you’re being “played” or “gamed” from someone else’s notoriety and refuse to participate. Know who you are and don’t allow people to use a MOMENTARY INCIDENT to redefine your life.

LEADING LEADERS PODCAST with J Loren Norris providing daily leadership video lessons promoting faith, family and freedom for Tell It Like It Is TV .

Blog & Online Courses - #leadingleaderspodcast Copyright 2019 Tell It Like It Is, Inc. All rights reserved.

Photo by Aidan Bartos on Unsplash


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