Leading and Learning with David Spell artwork

Leading and Learning with David Spell

521 episodes - English - Latest episode: 10 days ago - ★★★★★ - 7 ratings

This podcast discusses practical leadership, team building, theology, and how to create winning habits.

Christianity Religion & Spirituality Business leadership theology christianity team building habits
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Healing in the New Testament

May 18, 2016 04:00 - 17 minutes - 8.24 MB

What does the New Testament say about healing? Was healing just a thing of the past or does God still heal people today? David provides some excellent insights into this important subject.

Aristarchus- The Kind of Person that Every Leader Needs

May 11, 2016 04:00 - 12 minutes - 5.66 MB

Aristarchus does not have a lot written about him in the New Testament. What we do have, though, shows us that he was the kind of person that every leader wishes he had more of!

Tips for Reading the Book of Acts

May 04, 2016 04:00 - 15 minutes - 7.18 MB

The Acts of the Apostles is one of, if not the, most exciting books in the New Testament. It covers the first 30 years of Church History, but more importantly, it tells the story of the men and women who took the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Luke was a traveling companion of the Apostle Paul and he gives us a vivid, first-hand account of how Christianity was spread through the Roman Empire.

Learning to Sleep During the Day

April 27, 2016 04:00 - 17 minutes - 7.87 MB

David gives some great advice to shift workers. He spent many years working crazy shifts with the police department. He knows what works and what doesn't.

Tips for Reading the Letter to the Galatians

April 20, 2016 04:00 - 15 minutes - 7.3 MB

Galatians is one of Paul's most powerful letters. He deals with a subject that we still need help with today. David provides some important tips for reading this important letter.

What is God's Plan for the World Today?

April 13, 2016 04:00 - 10 minutes - 4.92 MB

Ever wonder what God is up to in the world today? Is God still active in the affairs of men? Has God's strategy to reach the world changed over the last 2000 years?

What is God's Plan for the World Today?

April 13, 2016 04:00 - 10 minutes - 4.92 MB

Ever wonder what God is up to in the world today? Is God still active in the affairs of men? Has God's strategy to reach the world changed over the last 2000 years?

Why is Regular Exercise so Important?

April 06, 2016 04:00 - 14 minutes - 6.72 MB

Exercise can be torture or drudgery or it can be the key to a healthier and more fulfilling life. Which would you prefer? Don't become another health statistic! Maybe it is time to create some positive health habits in your life!

Why is Regular Exercise so Important?

April 06, 2016 04:00 - 14 minutes - 6.72 MB

Exercise can be torture or drudgery or it can be the key to a healthier and more fulfilling life. Which would you prefer? Don't become another health statistic! Maybe it is time to create some positive health habits in your life!

What Do Christians Really Believe?

March 30, 2016 04:00 - 15 minutes - 6.94 MB

David discusses a few of the key components of Christian theology. Christianity's basic beliefs have not changed in almost 2000 years. It is very important that we all are rooted and grounded in our faith.

Why is Easter Still Important?

March 23, 2016 04:00 - 10 minutes - 4.74 MB

Why is Easter still important?

Tips for Reading the Gospel of Luke

March 16, 2016 04:00 - 15 minutes - 6.99 MB

Luke's Gospel was originally part of a two-volume set that included the Acts of the Apostles. David provides some excellent insights into this exciting narrative of the life of Jesus.

Common Mistakes When Lifting Weights

March 09, 2016 05:00 - 19 minutes - 9.06 MB

Weight training is an important part of any fitness regimen. Lifting weights can build bigger muscles, develop strength, increase bone density, and strengthen joints. Done improperly, however, weight training can cause serious injuries. David gives some of the most common errors when lifting weights.

Common Mistakes When Lifting Weights

March 09, 2016 05:00 - 19 minutes - 9.06 MB

Weight training is an important part of any fitness regimen. Lifting weights can build bigger muscles, develop strength, increase bone density, and strengthen joints. Done improperly, however, weight training can cause serious injuries. David gives some of the most common errors when lifting weights.

Why the Local Church?

March 02, 2016 05:00 - 12 minutes - 5.77 MB

Is the Church still relevant? Does the Church still have a place in the world today or has it outlived its usefulness. David explores these important questions.

Tips for Creating a Successful Blog

February 24, 2016 05:00 - 21 minutes - 9.95 MB

Have you ever thought about starting a blog? Do you have a blog but want to take it to the next level? David shares some great tips to help you create a successful and influential blog.

Why Do Christians Believe that Jesus is God?

February 17, 2016 05:00 - 15 minutes - 6.97 MB

Every world religion has something to say about who Jesus was. Christianity teaches that Jesus was God incarnate. God became a Man and lived among us. Why is that Christians believe this? There are several really important reasons why Christians believe that Jesus was both God and Man.

Why Do People Follow You?

February 10, 2016 05:00 - 12 minutes - 5.89 MB

What is it that makes people want to follow you? As we have talked about in previous episodes, there are many important leadership characteristics. This one, though, is probably the most important. This is a quality no leader can afford to be without.

The Key to God's Blessings

February 03, 2016 05:00 - 12 minutes - 5.91 MB

Have you ever prayed, "God, please bless me!" Did you know that God has already answered that prayer? In fact, you have the key to unlock your own blessing!

Getting Out of the Ditch

January 27, 2016 05:00 - 14 minutes - 6.58 MB

Have you ever felt like you were stuck at a certain point in your life? At some point we all get bogged down and can struggle to get ourselves unstuck and moving again. David gives some excellent advice on how to to get out of the ditch and start making progress again.

The Importance of Writing Our Goals Down

January 20, 2016 05:00 - 14 minutes - 6.91 MB

Setting goals is an important practice. Writing our goals down, though, is a very important part of that process. In this episode, David gives several reasons why we need to write our goals down.

The Building Blocks of Leadership

January 13, 2016 05:00 - 14 minutes - 6.67 MB

There are so many things that can be discussed when talking about leadership. Here, David provides some key components of leadership. What other building blocks of leadership can you think of?

Keys to Reading Your Bible More

January 06, 2016 05:00 - 13 minutes - 6.42 MB

Have you ever made a New Year's Resolution to read your Bible more in the coming year? Maybe you planned on reading the Bible through in a year but got bogged down in Leviticus. In this episode, David gives some great advice to help all of us get on track with reading our Bibles more.

Keys to Reading Your Bible More

January 06, 2016 05:00 - 13 minutes - 6.42 MB

Have you ever made a New Year's Resolution to read your Bible more in the coming year? Maybe you planned on reading the Bible through in a year but got bogged down in Leviticus. In this episode, David gives some great advice to help all of us get on track with reading our Bibles more.

How to Stick to Your Health and Fitness Goals for the New Year

December 30, 2015 05:00 - 16 minutes - 7.73 MB

We have all made New Year's Resolutions about losing weight, getting in shape, and exercising more. And we have all failed in our attempts to keep those resolutions. In today's episode, David gives some very helpful and practical tips on how we can actually achieve our health and fitness goals.

Five Secrets to Accomplishing Your Goals

December 23, 2015 05:00 - 16 minutes - 7.72 MB

What is the secret to setting and accomplishing one's goals? David uncovers a few secrets to help you set the right goals and then to accomplish them! Let this year be the year that you make some positive changes in your life.

Should I Get a Gun?

December 16, 2015 05:00 - 16 minutes - 7.65 MB

More and more people are asking this question. This is not a question that anyone should take lightly. David had many years of Law Enforcement experience and was a civilian firearms instructor. In this episode, he provides some simple, but practical questions people need to ask themselves before purchasing a firearm.

Keys to Avoiding a Blue Christmas

December 09, 2015 05:00 - 15 minutes - 7.07 MB

Many people struggle with depression during the holidays. What are some ways we can avoid depression and really enjoy this special time of the year?

Is the New Testament Complete?

November 25, 2015 05:00 - 23 minutes - 10.7 MB

Are there any books that should be included in the New Testament? Are there any textual issues with those that are included in the New Testament? David gives us a fascinating glimpse into this important subject.

Tips for Reading the Gospel of Matthew

November 18, 2015 05:00 - 17 minutes - 7.93 MB

David provides some great tips for getting the most out of Matthew's story of Jesus!.

A Little Bit of Salt

November 11, 2015 05:00 - 14 minutes - 6.66 MB

What did Jesus mean when he said, "You are the salt of the earth?" How are Christians to be salt today? This is still a very powerful principle that Jesus' followers must never forget!

The Two Faces of Leadership

November 04, 2015 05:00 - 13 minutes - 6.13 MB

The Apostle Paul describes the two faces of leadership in his first letter to the church at Thessalonica. Both of these leadership "faces" are important and the effective must know how to use both of them.

Keys to Hearing from God

October 28, 2015 04:00 - 16 minutes - 7.82 MB

Do you ever have trouble discerning what God's will is? Have you ever wished that God would just send you a text or email so you would know what to do? I think we have all felt this way at some time or other. Today's episode provides some practical advice on learning how to hear God's voice.

Tips for Public Speaking with a Translator

October 21, 2015 04:00 - 17 minutes - 8.06 MB

Using a translator is an important skill for anyone doing cross-cultural ministry or business. David gives some great advice on how to be effective using a translator.

Why Would Anyone Want to Become a Police Officer?

October 14, 2015 04:00 - 14 minutes - 6.59 MB

David was a police officer for almost 30 years and retired as a lieutenant a few years ago. In this episode, he talks about the difficulty of being a police officer in today's social climate. He also deals with the question of why young men and women still want to enter the Law Enforcement profession.

Why Would Anyone Want to Become a Police Officer?

October 14, 2015 04:00 - 14 minutes - 6.59 MB

David was a police officer for almost 30 years and retired as a lieutenant a few years ago. In this episode, he talks about the difficulty of being a police officer in today's social climate. He also deals with the question of why young men and women still want to enter the Law Enforcement profession.

Why are Small Groups so Important?

October 07, 2015 04:00 - 15 minutes - 7.37 MB

There is a reason that almost all successful churches have some type of small groups program. It is because that they work. David gives several reasons why a small groups program is a must for every church.

Introduction to Kingdom Leadership

September 30, 2015 04:00 - 19 minutes - 8.86 MB

What did Jesus have to say about leadership? What does the New Testament teach about leading others? David provides a powerful overview of Kingdom Leadership.

The Essence of the Christian Life

September 23, 2015 04:00 - 15 minutes - 7.1 MB

What is the essence of the Christian Life? Is it a list of rules to be observed? Is it a philosophy to be followed? Or is it something else entirely?

Police Flashbacks

September 16, 2015 04:00 - 10 minutes - 5.09 MB

On a recent ministry trip, David and Annie had an interesting experience that gave David flashbacks to his police days.

Police Flashbacks

September 16, 2015 04:00 - 10 minutes - 5.09 MB

On a recent ministry trip, David and Annie had an interesting experience that gave David flashbacks to his police days.

Why We Should Study Church History

September 09, 2015 04:00 - 14 minutes - 6.74 MB

Looking at where we have come from is important on many levels. A study of Church History will help us to understand where we are going and, hopefully, help us to keep from making some of the mistakes that others have made. Learning from the past will prepare us for the future! David gives us several great reasons why we should study Church History.

Keys to Understanding the Gospel of John

September 02, 2015 04:00 - 12 minutes - 5.97 MB

The Gospel of John is a fascinating look at the life of Jesus. It has a completely different point-of-view from Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Yet, John's story complements rather than contradicts the other Gospels. David provides some helpful insights into reading this beautiful book!

Tips for Living Better, Longer

August 26, 2015 04:00 - 13 minutes - 6.47 MB

The studies keep coming out showing how we are killing ourselves with so many unhealthy habits. We have made incredible progress in medicine yet so many people persist in lifestyles that are going to send them to an early grave.

Leading From the Middle

August 19, 2015 04:00 - 10 minutes - 4.72 MB

We hear a lot of talk about leading from the front. What about middle management? They don't get many opportunities to lead from the front. How can middle managers impact and influence their organizations for years to come?

Driving in Brazil

August 12, 2015 04:00 - 12 minutes - 5.85 MB

Driving in Brazil is not nearly as challenging as some of the other countries I have driven in. There still were a number of things that I had to adjust to when Annie and I moved to Curitiba. This is a amusing and interesting look at driving in Brazil.

Running to Win

August 05, 2015 04:00 - 8 minutes - 3.87 MB

The Apostle Paul had some things to say about the Race that we are all running. What does it take to win this Race? What causes some people to fail?

What is on the Other Side of the Door?

July 29, 2015 04:00 - 8 minutes - 4.01 MB

Have you ever been afraid to take a step into the unknown? We all want to experience a rewarding and fulfilling life. To know that kind of life, though, often requires stepping through doorways where we do not know what is on the other side.

Using Your Commute to Be More Productive

July 22, 2015 04:00 - 9 minutes - 4.61 MB

If you have any kind of a commute to work, this podcast is for you. How can you use that time in the car to be more productive? You might be surprised at some of the things you can do to improve yourself and get some work done.

Keys to Understanding the Gospel of Mark

July 15, 2015 04:00 - 17 minutes - 8.3 MB

David provides some excellent tips to help us as we explore Mark's Gospel. The Gospel of Mark is one of the most powerful books ever written. Let's dig in together!


The New Testament
4 Episodes