How to survive, thrive & conquer your business' customer experience marketing

The big idea: how do we acquire, retain, and grow customers across every stage and touchpoint in the customer journey?

The customer experience marketing is defined as the unification of marketing, sales, service, and technology to create inspirational branded moments across every stage and touch point of the customer journey.

We unpack the importance of your organisation learning how to survive, thrive, and conquer to ultimately deliver a seamless customer experience at all touch-points: digital or non-digital.

What is customer experience marketing?

Customer experience is question 5 in the ‘7 Great Questions’ of Waymaker strategy. It helps identify what our customer experience is, how do we acquire, retain & grow our customers through brand personality which is all about the science of customer experience.

To learn more about what customer experience is, check out our previous podcasts.

Marketing, sales & service all fall into one discipline – customer experience

It’s all about…

How do we draw customers along the customer journey?How do we manage their journey?What information, messages and content will self-serve those customers through that journey in a digital and non-digital world?Building clarity and alignment and deliver results with Waymaker = a better organisation

With Waymaker, each quarter, your team will be taking the diagnostic and it’s going to ask questions across all the business.

The Waymaker toolkit allows us to step back and view the business from the helicopter view.

The big idea around customer experience marketing

In the area of marketing in Waymaker Curve, there is a big idea on how we build a leading marketing function, what activities or skills to we need to invest in, what systems do we need to invest in, how clear, mature or aligned are we as an organisation

We're treating marketing like advertising

The great amount of dysfunction is treating marketing like advertising.

The point of marketing is to identify problems and develop products and services to SOLVE those problems, all while continuing to develop and acquire customers for the business.

What isn't a challenge or roadblock?

It's a lack of time - not a lack of funding.

Typically, a challenge or a roadblock must be articulated in such a way that you could provide or remove this or overcome this, then the goal can be achieved.

How do we build clarity, alignment, and results?

Sign up for a free 30-day trial.

Jump onto and take the Waymaker Diagnostic.Do the Customer Experience Marketing Playbook in Waymaker AcademySet your goals.Use the information from your marketing diagnostic, CX marketing one-page canvas and turn your CX marketing into a digital one-cloud dynamic plan inside Waymaker using the goals you've built.