How to acquire, retain and grow customersThe big idea: how do we create a journey for our customer's that's inspirationally valuable?

Customer experience is how we use the disciplines of sales, marketing and service.

We unpack the Seven Question's in Waymaker's Growth Framework on the Leadership Curve and what your organisation can do to create a valuable journey for your customers.

It's all about how we acquire, retain and grow customers

Across organisation's, we organise their business into six interconnected buckets - or slices of pie as we like to call it. These include...

VisionMarketStrategyBusiness ModelCustomer ExperienceEmployee Experience

To help you do this, the Waymaker team are well versed in helping leaders shift their teams into the right behaviours to get them to their end goal which is continuing to grow their businesses profitability.

Gone are the days...

Some of the practices businesses used in the 20th century are no longer applicable to the 21st century. We need to start thinking more deeply and differently to the way we reach our consumers.

CX fits in the bucket

It's our belief that from research and observation across many businesses from the last five to ten years that there are six things that you need to keep in balance to maintain customer growth. As your organisation grows and scales up the curve, those six things must stay balanced.

Why customer experience?

Customer experience is the unification of sales, marketing, and service on technology to create inspirational branded moments across the customer journey.

The customer experience is not about working in departments in silos, but working as a product team, or a service team, or a team with the skills of sales, marketing, and service to draw that customer through a journey.

The customer journey has dramatically changed over the last 5 to 15 years. We have had to bring in digital elements of technology and we must understand the journey as a distinct journey and that’s the big shift.

The customer journey has evolved

The customer journey has evolved as there is now a large technology element and how technology is used to engage. Technology is used to engage because it is the foundation or every discipline in the business world.

There is technology to understand all seven questions of the framework.

There is no such thing as the technology department anymore. Now, technology permeates every department of the business.

There is science around unpacking the customer journey

The CX bucket is all about the science behind the customer journey. There is so much data around the consumers journey. We can understand the roadblocks, the steps, the triggers and so much more.

Customer experience is the science of sales, marketing, and service and behind that is technology. It supports those disciplines and it's about continuing to build the teams in your organisation that aren't just marketing, sales or service teams, but customer experience teams. You need to deploy skills of selling, marketing and service at all different points along the consumers journey.

You don't want to just limit that to three departments.

Customer experience is about saying...

"How do we identify roadblocks?"

"How do we make that journey smoother to purchase and repurchase?"

Start building a valuable customer journey for your organisation

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