Craving more time to focus on what truly drives your business? Longing for the freedom to delegate tasks that drain your energy? Join us as we chat with Emily Reagan, a seasoned virtual assistant who shares why a VA is the secret weapon for optimizing your business. Emily enlightens us on how a virtual assistant isn't just a one-size-fits-all role. From marketing to HR, to customer support and more, Emily breaks down the myriad of ways a VA can support a business. She introduces the Pareto Principle - the theory that 80% of your outcomes come from just 20% of your efforts - and how it can drive growth for business owners. Also, listen in as Emily shares her own journey of moving past time-consuming tasks like podcast editing, showcasing the importance of focusing on those parts of your business that truly matter.

When it comes to hiring a virtual assistant, finding the right fit for your business might feel like searching for a needle in a haystack, but don't fret! Emily walks us through the different avenues to find your perfect match - agencies, Fiverr, and Upwork - and reveals why she was inspired to create her own Unicorn Digital Marketing Assistant School. We explore all things payment, from hourly contracts to retainers, and she gives us a sneak peek into the cost spectrum, ranging anywhere from $4 to $100 per hour. Interested? Excited? Ready to revolutionize your business? Tune in and gain amazing insights into the world of virtual assistance and discover how it could be the game-changer your business needs.