My journey as the People Gardener has been filled with its fair share of overloads and overwhelming moments. To be honest, the task of being a business owner often felt like juggling a dozen balls while trying to stay afloat in a sea of responsibilities. However, the game changer on my journey was realizing that I don't have to do it all. I discovered the world of virtual assistants (VA) and it was like finding an oasis in the desert of overwhelm. Suddenly, I had the support I needed, from editing my podcasts to managing my calendar.

I want to share this journey with you, and in the coming weeks, we will navigate the world of VA together. I challenge you to identify the tasks that weigh you down and those that light you up. The goal is to find a balance, to learn to delegate and open up space for what truly matters. We will bring in experts from the VA world to give you a firsthand perspective of how they can help. So, join me as we explore how to work smarter, not harder to take your business to the next level!