I believe that happiness is tied to progress, and the more progress we have - the happier we can become. Everything you do can be done with joy. Now hear me out; you may not be happy at every given moment, but you can approach everything with a sense of joy and fulfillment. In this episode, I break down what this looks like, and the importance of progress to the success of our life. 


Let’s dive into today’s topic and explore the power of the Progress Catalyst as a tool for moving forward.

[00:01 - 04:25] Opening Segment

Welcome back! I introduce today’s topic The progress catalyst The power of progress Happiness and joy  Joy is different from happiness You can operate in joy without happiness Joy as a mindset  Progress is tied to your happiness The more progress, the more happiness  Thinking at a deeper level


[04:26 - 11:18] The Progress Catalyst: Your Tools

The need for progress in humans  Evolving as a person  Telling the truth 1. Where am I experiencing the most progress right now?  Evaluate what you are experiencing now 2. What is important about having this progress? What is important about moving this needle forward 3. What is the support I have in moving forward? 4. How can I create more of this progress? Maximizing momentum  What actions can I take to make more? Progress = Happiness Fuel happiness with progress Any way of moving forward Questions to look at the things that are hindering your progress What isn’t serving you?  What is this drain costing me? Identify blockers: what is stopping you from fixing this? What has to happen to move forward?


[11:19 - 13:01] Closing Segment

Taking action steps to eliminate drain Summarizing the progress catalyst Identifying the hindrances to progress Please write us a review and share this with someone Email the review to me and get a FREE BOOK [email protected]  Final Words

Tweetable Quotes:

"I believe I can operate, overall, in a state of joy and be filled with joy in my life but not be super happy in a given moment.” - Kenny Chapman

“All progress begins with telling the truth… If I’m telling myself a story that isn’t true, it’s going to be hard to make progress.” - Kenny Chapman

“I make progress when I fail… ‘To do is to know.’” - Kenny Chapman 


Resources Mentioned:

The Six Dimensions of Change [email protected] 


You can connect with me, Kenny Chapman on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Email me at [email protected]. Be sure to check out my website https://www.kennychapman.com and find the solutions to your in-service education needs. First month of training FREE!! 

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