AdvantEdge Joy@Work Podcast: artwork

AdvantEdge Joy@Work Podcast:

131 episodes - English - Latest episode: almost 2 years ago - ★★★★★ - 2 ratings

I’m thrilled that you joined me here for this AdvantEdge Joy@Work podcast as I guide you in the art and behavioural neuroscience of expert hybrid leadership so that you can have joy@work and your team has purposeful unity of trust and collaboration.

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Joy @ Work - Selah - Meditation

January 09, 2019 08:29 - 15 minutes - 12.3 MB

Every day you are busy. Emails fill your inbox, some of them might even matter. Your todo list gets ticked off... or not. You attend meetings, deal with clients, chat with the boss, communicate with colleagues, deal with crises, handle problems, worry about tomorrow, think about yesterday, fret over a sick child ... and the list goes on. If you are disciplined, you get to the gym or exercise at least 3 times a week and keep a wary eye on your diet, and make sure that you get enough rest at...

LA 074: How to Thrive When the Robots Rise

August 31, 2018 17:30 - 11 minutes - 9.48 MB

There's a lot of excitement about artificial intelligence (AI) and the potential for robots to autonomously make decisions about what gets done, how it gets done, and who does it. As the technology fast approaches the dreams of science fiction, many professionals, blue and white colour workers are beginning to fear a future where their own jobs are no more. Will you be one who is replaced, or will you be one of those who thrives? The new Luddism In a fit of rage against the machines, Ned Lud...

LA 073: How to Waste Your time Writing a Career Plan

August 03, 2018 17:30 - 21 minutes - 17.7 MB

"Where do you see yourself in five years time?" This insidious little question invites the interviewee to begin a little game that finishes as a belief built on sand. You guess what your prospective employer wants to hear, and then you give it to them. It's almost as bad as your Aunt's favourite: "What do you want to be when you grow up?" The myriad branching possibilities when you are 12 or 13 years old seem to lead in opposite directions, and all equally tempting. By the time you hit the r...

LA 072: Hacking Neuroscience to Re-Inspire your Get Up and Go

June 09, 2018 02:32 - 31 minutes - 25.2 MB

We all want an inspirational leader. Someone to look up to, to give us hope and direction. A leader who engages us as individuals and treats us well, but most of all makes us want to be better. But what if that leader is you? And today you're feeling a bit blah. Everything's sort of "meh" and you'd like to just hang in there for the time being and let Future Self take responsibility for that. We all go through phases in life when our mood is uplifting, positive, dynamic and we feel like we ...

Controlling or Controlled?

June 07, 2018 03:10 - 17 minutes - 15.9 MB

Are you a controlling leader or are you controlled in how you lead?

LA 071: How to manage Uncertainty using Command Intent

April 27, 2018 08:02 - 13 minutes - 10.9 MB

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. Mike Tyson's excellent response to a reporters question before his fight with Evander Holyfield. And isn't that just true about all of the best laid plans we make? No plan survives contact with the enemy Attributed to Helmuth von Moltke in the 19th century. All such quotes ring true because you know that it concurs with your own experience. On June 6th 1944 the long planned sea and airborne invasion of France began and the months of...

LA 070: When to be Agile and When to Keep on Keeping on

April 05, 2018 08:03 - 17 minutes - 14.5 MB

How do we find our purpose to listen to wisdom to rightly choose when to be agile and change and when we should keep on the same track? Wisdom Tenacity and Agility I was at my wits end. Burned out and utterly lost in a quagmire of my own making. I'm uncertain as to what came first. Was I burning out and thus started to get stressed and failing to close business or was my failure to close business causing the stress that made me burn out? Whatever, the upshot was that times were tough, the ec...

LA 069: Getting to knOW your Audience

March 03, 2018 02:46 - 16 minutes - 13.7 MB

Part 5 of our series on Being an Exceptional presenter takes us into the OW of KNOWing your Audience. Blame the 'O' for millions of people being fearful of presenting at all. And blame the 'W' for most presenters failing. It's also why most telemarketing sucks. Both to receive and to do. To give your case the best possible chance of success, you need to establish credibility with your audience, present your logical argument and appeal to their emotions. That is, you need to win their hearts ...

LA 068: The Secrets of Being an Exceptional Presenter Part 4 - Getting to Know Your Audience

February 03, 2018 03:42 - 19 minutes - 26.8 MB

If there's one complaint I hear about a presenter's skills from their boss or a their HR, it's that they don't adjust their presentation for their audience. And yet those presenters genuinely believe that they do adjust for their audience. So who is right? Well, they're both correct of course. The presenter thinks they are adjusting but they don't really KNOW their audience. What about the audience themselves? What do they think? Sadly the audience don't have an opinion because they stopped ...

LA 067: The Secrets to being an Exceptional presenter 3 - Get Visual!

January 05, 2018 08:03 - 20 minutes - 16.6 MB

n this AdvantEdge Guide I am sharing how you can make your presentations engaging, memorable and interesting by utilising the New Golden Circle of Visual Storytelling. There are three parts to this guide. I shall start with the problem, that is that most presentations (and presenters) are boring. That Smartphones are a presenters enemy and you try to give too much information in one go. Then we'll look at how you can gain and keep someone's attention and lastly, we'll look at how your brain ...

LA 066: The Secrets to Being an Exceptional Presenter 2 - Start with Why

December 16, 2017 02:35 - 19 minutes - 16 MB

You want to make a greater impact and you want to be seen as an exceptional presenter, but nobody seems to care what you say or how you say it, let alone act on the information you shared. What you need to do is motivate your audience to pay attention and motivate them to act on the information you share and to do that, you need to start with WHY it matters to them.  How do you quickly and easily go about this and put together an amazing and impactful presentation?  In this AdvantEdge guide,...

LA 065: The Secrets to Being an Exceptional Presenter

October 28, 2017 01:23 - 14 minutes - 11.5 MB

It’s all about being “natural” or “charismatic”! It is, you’re right of course. So shall we mere mortals give up then? It is true that some people appear “natural” and “charismatic” when they deliver a talk or presentation. But they usually neglect to tell you the real secret of their confidence and “natural” ability: that they are exceptionally well prepared, and have fine-tuned this and practised it multiple times. I know, because I am one of those people. Workshop participants and attende...

LA064: Be a Better Influener

September 23, 2017 04:39 - 17 minutes - 14.3 MB

"Some people are just more naturally empathic than others" the CEO brusquely informed me. "It's not personal, it's business" he went on quoting that bundle of joy Donald Trump. "They should know what's good for them, and do what I suggest. Why should I have to influence them or show empathy?" The CEO pushed back his chair as if our session were over. His company was struggling. Several key staff had recently departed and were working for a competitor. He still insisted that empathy was not ...

LA 063: When Enough is Enough: How to Retake Control of Your Life

August 24, 2017 07:34 - 11 minutes - 9.31 MB

Today is your birthday! OK, maybe it’s not actually today, but happy birthday anyway. This is the one day a year when a few people, your mum and maybe an aunt, send you an actual birthday card. Remember those? Real physical cards. Heck, nowadays people can’t even be bothered with an e-card. but I digress. This week you’ll learn how you can retake control of your time and get back at least 20% of your work life to enjoy doing other things that matter. Let’s get back to your birthday. At aroun...

LA 062: Why Win-Win is Lose Lose (and what you want instead)

August 03, 2017 07:05 - 16 minutes - 13.2 MB

Welcome to another edition of the Leadership AdvantEdge. And this week I'm challenging the idea that a win-win solution is an ideal to strive for. if everybody wins, there is no new value created. It is merely exchanged. Whether you are negotiating a business deal, starting a new venture, having a debate with your kids or your partner. We've been fed a lie for years. And that lie is that we should always aim to get a win-win solution. I win and you win. Should be good right? The trou...

LA 062 Why Win-Win is Lose Lose (and what you want instead)

August 03, 2017 07:05 - 16 minutes - 13.2 MB

Welcome to another edition of the Leadership AdvantEdge. And this week I'm challenging the idea that a win-win solution is an ideal to strive for. if everybody wins, there is no new value created. It is merely exchanged. Whether you are negotiating a business deal, starting a new venture, having a debate with your kids or your partner. We've been fed a lie for years. And that lie is that we should always aim to get a win-win solution. I win and you win. Should be good right? The trou...

LA 062 - Are you A Controlling or Controlled Leader?

July 22, 2017 02:08 - 18 minutes - 14.8 MB

“As long as you do everything exactly the way I want it when I want it, you can do it any way you want whenever you want.” The Head Chef told me on my first day in his kitchen. There was to be no ambiguity, no doubt that there was one way of doing things, and it was his way. I wasn’t there to express my creativity and brilliance. I was there to follow orders and comply with any and every demeaning request. With his first sentence, my new boss had stripped me of any personal control and all ...

LA 061: Never Underestimate the Power of a Pooh

July 08, 2017 05:30 - 15 minutes - 12.9 MB

Recently, I spent a few days being completely cared for. I was allowed to do nothing for myself. Forced to lay in an uncomfortable bed, unable to get out being tied in via neck and arms to machines and tubes, with more tubes coming out of my body. And all the time I was intensely aware of every single passing second. Every beep and gurgle, ever waft of air and alarms, oh the alarms. My senses were hyper alert in an environment that had simply too many parts clamouring for attention. Yes, I w...

LA 060: The Secret Keys to Getting (the right) Stuff Done

June 22, 2017 08:00 - 15 minutes - 12.2 MB

I am an excellent procrastinator! I can put things off for absolutely no better reason than I don't feel like doing them right now. Of course, I have plenty of excellent excuses, and I believe all of them. Until I choose not to. So I force myself to do the stuff I don't really feel like doing and keep at it until I do feel like doing it. Until that moment where I can begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I learned the real origin of that phrase, by the way, in 1993. The Standedge ...

LA 059: e-Learning is dead! Why We Need to Flip The Corporate Classroom Now!

June 10, 2017 05:30 - 20 minutes - 16.5 MB

Beyond Blended Learning, today's leading organisations are flipping the corporate classroom. Are you going to be sidelined? Let's throw up some startling statistics. [caption id="attachment_38738" align="alignright" width="300"] Preferred format for learning in the Henley Business School 2016 Survey[/caption] The Henley Business School Corporate Learning Survey in 2016 shows that: Desire for online only executive development remains very low at less than 12% Desire for project-based l&D sta...

LA0 058: Want More Productivity? Take a Break!

May 26, 2017 07:45 - 8 minutes - 6.92 MB

My mum would often tell me “all will be well in the morning.” For her, it was just experience and age-old wisdom. All will be well in the morning And things always were better in the morning. Somehow, all the clutter and stress and worry, while, not gone altogether, was, at least more manageable. As I slept, my brain was free to sort through the problem, process it entirely and put it in a suitable place close to a similar experience in memory. I had learned how to resolve whatever the iss...

LA 057: What Do You Do When You Can't Find the Time or Motivation to Grow and Develop?

May 05, 2017 07:33 - 18 minutes - 15 MB

One of biggest issues I hear from programme participants is that they are simply too busy to take time out of their schedule to develop themselves. They get frustrated because they want to get better at some aspect of their leadership capabilities, or their management skills so that they can SAVE the time they currently don't have because they don't have enough time to get better and practice. Their daily work lives are filled with meetings, travel, rushing from one meeting no another, ru...

LA 056: Leverage the Power of Habit to Sustain Change

April 22, 2017 16:00 - 26 minutes - 21.3 MB

Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (Turn and face the strange) Ch-ch-changes Don't want to be a richer man Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (Turn and face the strange) Ch-ch-changes Just gonna have to be a different man Time may change me But I can't trace timeDavid Bowie What do you do when you want to change? Whether you want to change yourself or bring about change in others or your organisation. Change is difficult and sustaining change more so. To do so, we want to leverage the awesome power that is in every one ...

LA 055: Debunking The Myths Often Believed By Those Leading In The Middle

March 25, 2017 02:33 - 14 minutes - 146 MB application/octet-stream

Before we delve into the myths I want to remind you of Law #2 in the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less. You can influence anyone at any time in any situation. Your level of influence with that individual will determine how ‘easily’ you influence them (or not). Through my own research and having assessed some 45,000 leaders across the globe. One thing I can assure you of. The higher your level of influence in an organization and in li...

Finding Your Goldilocks Zone

March 18, 2017 04:30 - 20 minutes - 17.1 MB

Goldilocks is fast asleep when the bears return home. She found her perfect bed, not too big and not too soft. After eating her fill of the perfect porridge that wasnt too hot and wasn't too sweet. Goldilocks had tested the beds upstairs and fell into a deep sleep. The three bears were none too pleased with this breach of neighbourly etiquette and devour Goldilocks. Or, the Goldilocks jumps out of a window and is never seen again. Or Goldilocks explains how hungry and tired she was and befri...

LA 053: Strive to Leave a Legacy or Chase After the Wind?

March 04, 2017 06:30 - 11 minutes - 9.65 MB

Stress! Do you suffer? Of course you do. How much is caused by others and how much do you cause yourself? When you really think on this, you uncover some rather painful truths about stress. Most of it is caused by yourself. Like you. I like to place demands on my performance. Far greater demands than I would ever allow anybody else. Well perhaps my wife would debate that, but I don't demand so much from other people. Like you, I have a desire to leave something of a legacy. I want to achieve...

LA 052: How to Influence Anyone and Everyone

February 15, 2017 02:32 - 28 minutes - 22.8 MB

In this episode we are exploring how you can influence and motivate anyone or everyone. We're even going to learn some lessons from the President of the United States and just how he won the election. Jeff sat on a bar stool at the front of the room. He had no slides, no props, just sat and talked. Within minutes, he had everybody in the room on the edge of their seats eagerly nodding and ready to follow him wherever he went. None of us in the room had met Jeff before. In fact, none of us h...

LA 051: How do you leverage your Influencing Style? The Trust/Respect Matrix

February 01, 2017 07:59 - 23 minutes - 19.2 MB

The 15 inch blade flew perilously close to my left ear and the Chef's knife thumped into the door behind me. I was told, in no uncertain terms, that my days in his pastry kitchen were over. I couldn't possibly repeat the actual words, but if you think that Gordon Ramsey cusses, I can assure you that even he has a comparatively mild turn of phrase. Chef was right of course. I was useless in the pastry kitchen. I still am. My croissants could be used to break rocks in a quarry. My shortcrust c...

LA 050: What's Your Influencing Style? (And Why it Matters)

January 21, 2017 06:30 - 18 minutes - 15.3 MB

What's Your Influencing Style? (And Why it Matters!)   The Captain's voice bing bonged into the silence and calmly informed us to assume the brace position. The stewardess asked us to sit down and brace. Forty seconds later everyone began scrambling to their feet. An old man blocked the aisle as he opened the overhead locker seeking his carry on. The stewardess asked him nicely, to forget his bag and move to the front of the plane. Minutes later more than half the passengers who were sti...

LA 049: Breaking Down the Glass Walls. The Biggest Challenges for Tech and Business Leaders in 2017

January 07, 2017 06:30 - 7 minutes - 6.65 MB

It's more than 40 years later, and businesses and homes are awash with computing devices. There's more computing power in my watch than on that entire top floor of equipment back in the early 70's. Much has changed... except it seems there remains a divide between the techies behind that glass wall and the business desk on the outside.   At the end of 2016, Barbara Dossetter of CIO Connect and I undertook a research project to better understand the current frustrations and challenges faced b...

LA 048: What is the ONE thing you can do to be a better leader?

December 03, 2016 06:30 - 16 minutes - 12.9 MB

When I was a young junior hotel manager, I knew it all. I knew everything about running a hotel, the restaurant, the kitchens, and the rooms. After all, I was studying for a degree in hotel management and had worked in every department. When a member of staff had a problem, I had a solution. When a guest had a question about something, I always had the answer. Not just any answer, I had the best answer! At the time I thought that I was a terrific leader. After all, everyone did what they wer...

LA 047: How to Raise Your Level of Influence

November 19, 2016 06:30 - 15 minutes - 12.2 MB

"Leadership is influence" according to John C. Maxwell (Maxwell, 2010), and you can raise your level of influence with others. The Five Levels of Influence The higher your level of influence with someone, the easier it is to lead them. The 5 Levels express a way to understand and organise your leadership growth. Each of the levels build on the previous one and you can only progress to the next level once you have mastered the previous level. As you go higher it is easier to lead because y...

LA 046: How Shared Situational Awareness can make or crush your future

October 22, 2016 02:26 - 24 minutes - 19.7 MB

In this episode you will recognise dysfunctions observed in your business, organisation or team and be able to remedy them relatively easily and quickly. But first, let me share a moment in my own life when my personal situational awareness was severely compromised: I was teetering on the edge of the abyss, the breeze felt like it was gently mocking and luring me over the cliff and down to the unwelcoming rocks beneath. It was so tempting to just let gravity take charge and give over to the ...

LA 045: I'll Believe it When I See it!

October 20, 2016 07:32 - 17 minutes - 13.9 MB

In almost every workshop I run, someone will raise their requirement for empirical evidence or “solid proof” before they will commit to applying the tools and techniques that will bring them benefit. We often desire more evidence that something will work before we are prepared to commit resources to it. Being willing to trust something without certainty is a red flag to the brain. Specifically, your anterior cingulate cortex is struggling to find an amenable memory connection to success and ...

LA 044: How to Communicate with Impact and Influence

October 01, 2016 05:30 - 17 minutes - 14.4 MB

Ideas are the currency of the 21st century. The ability to communicate your ideas persuasively is the single greatest skill you need to accomplish your dreams Spreading your ideas in the 21st Century requires a 21st Century model of communication Let me introduce you to HUGS To Communicate with Impact we need to use HUGS Neuroscience research using brain scans reveals that stories stimulate our brains, enabling the speaker to connect with the audience and making it likely that the audien...

LA 043: How to Get Unstuck

September 17, 2016 05:30 - 11 minutes - 9.36 MB

All through life, Alex has always felt that other people, schoolmates, friends and later colleagues, seemed to have it easier. Dad was never quite satisfied. It was hard to live up to his standards. Aunts and Uncles always knew a cousin who was better, brighter, richer, faster. Alex, like you and me, would like to earn more, be recognized and respected. To enjoy life and have fun. To simply succeed.  Is it really so difficult? Alex wants to provide for others. Family is very important and th...

LA 042: The Elephant and the Rider - How to Influence Change

September 10, 2016 05:30 - 15 minutes - 12.3 MB

Have you ever wondered why it's so tough to influence change? Why is it, that with our very best intentions, we still find it difficult to make changes that we know would be good for us? It seems that it’s down to our inner elephant. I’ve borrowed the analogy used by University of Virginia psychologist Jonathan Haidt in his wonderful book The Happiness Hypothesis. Haidt says that our emotional side is an Elephant and our rational side is its Rider. Perched atop the Elephant, the Rider holds ...

LA 041: How to Bust Stress and Fears

September 03, 2016 05:30 - 13 minutes - 10.7 MB

You know that stress is bad for you. Yet you endure it every day. Modern life is stressful. Whether it's work, your boss, your spouse, your kids, your parents, driving or simply trying to fathom what to eat today. Your life is filled with stressors. So what can you do about it? Imagine you are visiting a theme park The best rides always have a long queue and you look with disdain at a group of ‘bullies’ who cut the line and push in front of you. Instantly your threat response fires up and yo...

LA 040: Five Ways to Let Your Courage Set You Free

August 27, 2016 05:30 - 12 minutes - 10.4 MB

Courage is the root of all freedom. It takes courage to dream big dreams… no matter your past, circumstances, or what others tell you. It takes courage to go after what matters. And when the going gets tough and obstacles crop up (as they always will), it takes courage to press on. Any time you go after what you really want, your doubts and fears will surface. That’s just part of the experience. You must ignore the voices that say “turn back” or “give up now” or “this is too hard.” It is cou...

LA 039: 3 Fears that undermine Your Authenticity

August 20, 2016 05:30 - 11 minutes - 8.92 MB

There's something not quite right. Something just isn't sitting well in your gut. You can't quite place it exactly, but there is something wrong between the words and something else. Have you ever heard the adage that communication is only 7 percent verbal and 93 percent non-verbal? Well, much of it is a pernicious myth, but there is some truth in the idea of congruence between what you say and how you say it. And when we witness a lack of congruence (in our perception) it is often that 'gut...

LA 038: Why Talent Leaves (and Other Leadership Lessons from BREXIT)

August 13, 2016 05:30 - 26 minutes - 21.5 MB

So the UK is getting divorced from Europe. Rather surprising with the way different age groups voted. Or rather, not surprising. Baby boomers and older and the older Gen X voting to leave, with the youngsters voting to remain. Not only has the vote divided the country in two about Europe, it's divided along generational lines too. Not another idiotic pundit spouting nonsense about maybe this or maybe that, but lets' bring this back to leadership and what it means for you in business? Back in...

LA 037: Are You using Your Talent?

August 06, 2016 05:30 - 10 minutes - 8.6 MB

In this week's episode, I'm asking you a tough question: Are you using your talent? If before that I asked you what you want from your life? It's possible that you would be just like the majority of my clients and tell me that you want to be happy and fulfilled. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. And if you are using your talent, everyday, then that it going to be true. You will be happy and fulfilled. By the end of this podcast and article, you can honestly answer the question...

LA 036: 6 Premortem Questions for the Perfect Presentation

July 23, 2016 05:30 - 17 minutes - 13.9 MB

Welcome to this edition of the Leadership AdvantEdge Podcast and my purpose this week is to help you confidently make your next meeting or presentation perfect, and not be anxious about it. To do that, today, I'm going to share with you how to do a premortem on your meeting or presentation by asking yourself six questions. On the show notes, I'll share a PDF and a word template that you can download and use to plan your next presentation or meeting premortem and make it perfect. I have a sec...

LA 035: 3 Tips for Being Heard

July 16, 2016 05:30 - 12 minutes - 9.8 MB

Why is it so difficult to make yourself heard? When you're in IT, the chances are pretty high that you are quieter than your non-IT colleagues. You are probably more introverted than they are and you might even be regarded as being a little bit quiet. Nothing wrong with being quiet. It has worked for you pretty well. But there comes a time when you need to be sure that your voice is heard There are three things that you can do to make yourself heard Turn up the volume Slow Down Bo...

LA 035: 3 Tips for Being Heard

July 16, 2016 05:30 - 12 minutes - 9.8 MB

Why is it so difficult to make yourself heard? When you're in IT, the chances are pretty high that you are quieter than your non-IT colleagues. You are probably more introverted than they are and you might even be regarded as being a little bit quiet. Nothing wrong with being quiet. It has worked for you pretty well. But there comes a time when you need to be sure that your voice is heard There are three things that you can do to make yourself heard Turn up the volume Slow Down Borrow my Con...

LA 034: How to Improve Team Performance

July 09, 2016 05:30 - 8 minutes - 6.5 MB

This is a story of two leaders. We worked with the organisation on team leadership because one of their sales teams was "highly successful" and another was "doing poorly, with a very low morale". The organisation wanted us to "find out what's working in [the high-performing  team], fix the [low-performing team] and run a training programme for all the other sales teams to  be as good as [the high-performing team]." Ann, the leader of the high-performing team had joined the company 5 years pr...

LA 033: How to Overcome the Great Delusions of Your Success

July 02, 2016 05:30 - 14 minutes - 11.9 MB

Do you believe that to succeed you just have to be lucky, Or perhaps you believe it's all about your own hard work? No, then perhaps you think it's down to having the right connections. After all, the saying goes, it’s now what you know, it’s who you know. "Luck" hints to us that all good things are the result of chance. Some people are lucky, some aren't.  Or so the conventional thinking goes. But the truth is, fortune isn't found in a four leaf clover or at the end of a rainbow. Good luck ...

LA 032: How to Handle Tall Poppy Syndrome and Madras Crabs in the workplace

June 25, 2016 04:30 - 13 minutes - 10.5 MB

“True heroism is remarkably sober,  very undramatic.  It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever the cost, but the urge to serve others whatever the cost.”Arthur Ashe I've been working with a client this past week who's something of a maverick. A rebel. A person who has a different opinion and ideas about the way forward. It's a joy for me to work with someone so intent on making a real difference and not content to follow the way things have been done in that particular organisat...

LA 031: How to be at Cause for your Life and Creative Success

June 18, 2016 04:30 - 13 minutes - 11 MB

Are you at Cause or Effect? One of the most common issues faced by people in their lives and leadership is: life happening. John Lennon's famously said "Life happens whilst you're making other plans." Some of you are going to like this, others won't like this one little bit. Essentially, you have a choice. A very simple choice. You can choose to create their future, or you can accept the one that you get. Moving from effect to cause "But..." I hear you about to interrupt... there are no 'b...

LA 030: How Well Do You Influence Yourself?

June 11, 2016 05:30 - 13 minutes - 11.2 MB

When we ask this question in our workshops, we are usually met with blank  stares at first. I call them ‘blank stares’ because to be looked at as if you  are completely off your trolley isn’t something I choose to reinforce. The first response from that first brave soul suggests that there is no need to  influence oneself. Basically, it runs like this: I decide to do something, I  tell myself to do it, and I do it. No influence is required. I don’t have to ask  myself nicely, or threaten mys...