In this show, Chris interviews, Jeremy Scully, District Manager, Student Works Painting. Jeremy highlights some crucial skills that allow you to perform at your highest level, and grow your business to the next level.

This show starts off his Jeremy sharing how he managed to generate sales worth a million dollars as a full-time student. Jeremy reveals that managing and coaching his team made it possible for him to achieve this remarkable feat. In fact, this is what kicked off his journey as a coach.

What surprised Jeremy about being a coach? Jeremy shares that different people get motivated by different triggers. So, how do you discover the underlying “Why” which will help you extract the maximum possible productivity from your people? Listeners will learn the importance of asking questions, and listening instead of talking.

Next, we discuss some of the important attributes that are integral to success as a business owner. Among other things we share the importance of consistency, accountability and time management. Jeremy also reminds us that top performers are keenly aware of their strengths and weaknesses, and are constantly striving to get better and better.

Towards the end, Jeremy has some sound advice for young entrepreneurs. You will learn the 3-step path to success: Learn, Replicate, and Develop. Tune in for some excellent nuggets!



Jeremy Scully LinkedIn

Student Works

Chris Thomson LinkedIn