In this show, Chris interviews, Steve Frook, VP Sales, Horizn Inc. In this show, Steve reveals some excellent sale Tips & Tricks which will allow you to deliver maximum possible value, ensure customer satisfaction, and thus, evolve in into a true sales champion.

This show starts off with Steve recalling his life before Student Works. Always a hard-working individual, Steve displayed an entrepreneurial drive even in his teenage years. So, what was Steve’s biggest frustration while growing up? Steve discusses a quandary that is common to many of us – the struggle to find the best opportunity. When presented with numerous choices, how do you weigh the pros & cons to select the best option for you and your family?

Next, Steve gives us a “peek” into his Student Works experience. As a top performer for Student Works in Ottawa, Steve picked up some crucial work skills that are holding him in good stead to date. In this segment of the show, you will learn the importance of cultivating a disciplined work ethic. Steve stresses the importance of utilizing time-blocking for enhancing productivity.

After his Student Works stint, Steve moved to Washington DC to work with a small 12-person software company, Autoscribe. In spite of having the opportunity to work with bigger companies, Steve chose growth and learning over stability and predictability. Learn how Steve’s gamble paid off big-time as Autoscribe grew to a 50-people strong company in a very short time.

After this successful adventure, Steve moved back to Toronto to work with a car wash franchise. A starkly different but invaluable experience, this exposure made Steve realize that hustle is the key to success in competitive businesses. Bitten by the franchise bug, Steve almost decided dabble in this business himself. Eventually, why did he take up a sales position with a startup company, Ethoca Limited instead? This segment of the show will be particularly interesting to folks who prone to making irrational and harmful career decisions. You will learn how Ethoca offered a revolutionary and disruptive technology that went a long way in preventing fraudulent banking transactions.

After Ethoca Limited, Steve transitioned to selling high ticket banking products with Nomis Solutions. Nomis makes Pricing and Profitability Management Suites that cater to complex banking needs. After a 4 years stint with Nomis, Steve ended up as VP Sales with Horizn Inc. Steve shares how Horizn Inc. has grown its client base from 2 banks to 15 in just 2 and a half years. How has Steve manage to successfully sell these highly complex banking products to sophisticated organizations? We discuss the importance of creating a “challenger persona” to provide maximum possible value.

Towards the end, Steve shares some crucial attributes that truly define a “Leader of Tomorrow”.

Tune in for some excellent nuggets!



The Challenger Sale: How To Take Control of the Customer Conversation

Student Works

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