Welcome to our podcast episode where we delve into the fascinating world of spirituality with a special guest, Elisheva Balas, a spiritual mentor from the Kabbalah Center. Join us as we explore the concept of validation and its significance in our lives. Regardless of your faith or beliefs, this conversation offers profound insights into why we all seek validation and whether it's a healthy desire.

Discover the essence of Kabbalah, a mystical tradition rooted in Jewish mysticism, as we unravel its purpose and the spiritual tools it offers. Through mindfulness, self-reflection, and understanding life's deeper meanings, Kabbalah provides a unique path for personal growth and self-awareness.

Intrigued to learn more about the impact of our environments on our well-being? We discuss how our surroundings can profoundly shape our emotions and behaviors. Creating a positive and supportive environment can enhance our spiritual journey and personal development.

Join us on this enlightening journey as we share personal experiences, including how Kabbalahone transformed a couple's relationship and interactions. Whether you're curious about spiritual tools or simply seeking wisdom for a more meaningful life, this episode is for you.

Visit www.kabbalah.com to explore the vast array of spiritual tools available to assist you on your journey. Remember, spirituality is a personal adventure, and together, we'll explore different paths to growth and self-discovery. Tune in now and open your mind to new possibilities!

For more information on Christy's Coaching, Courses or Cosmic Love Oil you can visit her website at: www.christydreiling.com