In a recent interview, I had the pleasure of sitting down with my son, Dylan Dreiling, to delve into the topic of doubt and how we navigate its complexities. Our conversation also led us to explore the contrasting landscapes of parenting in the modern era versus the time when I was raising him and his siblings.

Dylan, whose insightful perspectives can also be found on Instagram, is closely associated with Ananda and the enlightening offerings of

Our discussion centered around the intricate theme of doubt and how it influences our decisions and outlook on life. We delved into the various ways in which doubt can manifest and how we, both as individuals and as a society, can effectively confront and overcome it.

Furthermore, our conversation naturally transitioned to the realm of parenting. We compared the challenges and nuances of raising children in today's rapidly evolving world with the experiences I had while bringing up Dylan and his brothers. The differences and parallels between these eras highlighted the dynamic nature of parenthood and the ever-changing landscape in which it unfolds.

For those interested in exploring Dylan's thoughts further, you can connect with him on Instagram, where he shares his profound insights. Additionally, you can discover more about Ananda and the transformative elixirs they offer by visiting

In this interview, Dylan Dreiling and I embarked on a journey through doubt, parenting, and the intersection of these themes in our lives. Our dialogue not only shed light on these subjects but also served as a reminder of the importance of open conversation and shared wisdom in navigating the complexities of our world.

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