As a coach that works with individuals and businesses to build deeper connections and become better at sales, Eric sees some common topics that come up repeatedly, and often he hears negative beliefs about what it looks like to sell. Some people have a fear of being too salesy because they don’t want to be viewed as the old-school car salesman that will try to sell any car to any person just to get a sale. While this image comes to mind for a lot of people as the typical “salesperson” it is totally inaccurate when we look at what good salespeople actually do.

Being a salesperson means understanding the pain points of your target customer and knowing that you are actually doing them a disservice by not explaining how you can help. Don’t let the head trash of doubts in your mind hold you back from that, and Eric will explain how.

When you get in front of that ideal client, there are 5 types of questions you need to ask to understand their problem. Once you know the problem, there is no way you will give them a solution that won’t solve the problem, so that alone should tell you that you can’t keep that solution to yourself. Once your potential client knows you understand and can solve that problem, they’ll be likely to want to move forward. You might be wondering, what are those 5 types of questions, and what happens if I keep hearing “no”? Tune in to find out!

Key highlights:

Once you get in front of your ideal client, what are the 5 questions you need to ask?It's all about one thing: how your product or service can solve a problemWhat do you need to do to uncover the problem?Question 1: curiosity type of questionsQuestion 2: “Today” questionQuestion 3: “Tomorrow” questionQuestion 4: “Stop sign” questionQuestion 5: “Personal reward” questionWhat if you keep getting “no”?

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