As business owners and salespeople, the question is always “How do we increase sales?” We should know by now that spamming people on social media does not work, and this is due to the lack of personalization and authenticity in those types of messages and emails. In order to connect with your customers and get them to buy from you, you need to get to know them, establish trust, and sell to them in a unique way that speaks to them and their buying style. This can be time-consuming when done right, but what if there was a tool to make this process easier and faster? Amarpreet Kalkat has created software that does just that.

Amarpreet Kalkat is the CEO & Founder of Humantic AI, a Buyer Intelligence platform for revenue teams. Sales teams and business owners use Humantic's Personality AI to identify early adopters, help personalize outreach, and enable their team with vital customer insights for every deal. A lot of salespeople make the mistake of making sales interactions about themselves, but in reality, the conversations that convert are those in which the focus is put on the potential customer and their needs. With Humantic AI, the goal is to give you the blueprint for who your customer is and how to talk to them, leading to trust and a major increase in conversions.

In this episode, Amarpreet emphasizes the importance of personalizing touch points with your potential customers because all humans are not the same. We have heard various “rules” for professional emails, but the truth is that different people prefer different communication styles, and Humantic makes it much easier to reach each person in a way that engages them. Listen in and find out how you can try this amazing sales tool for free. 

Key highlights:

What Humantic software does for salespeopleIt's not about you, it's about your customerHow Amarpreet came up with the idea for this softwareHow do they know it works and how do they know it's accurate?There is always a war between humans and algorithmsWhat if people are not honest with their posts and online presence?How does Humantic account for changing personalities as people age?Why spamming is not the wayHow do you get this program and how much does it cost?Not all humans are the same, so we can’t just make a template for everything

Episode resources:

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