Our brain was designed to keep us safe, and in the days when humans had to run from sabertooth tigers, our brain's job was to scan for danger and make sure that we stay out of harm's way. Even though we are not in danger of being eaten by a saber-tooth tiger these days, our brain is still always trying to keep us safe by keeping us in the same spot where we are comfortable and stable. This Caveman Brain® can hold us back in business where it is necessary to step out of our comfort zone in order to achieve what we want. Today’s guest has a new way of setting intentions and going after our vision.

Dr. Jean Oursler is otherwise known as the Results Queen. Dr.Jean has a Ph.D. in business psychology and is considered one of the country’s top business consultants, a top-rated speaker, and a world-class business performance coach. She is the author of “Give up Goals and Results are Yours”. Using Innovative Brain Science, Dr. Jean is the creator of a groundbreaking business growth system called the Caveman Brain Business Growth System powered by Caveman Brain®.

In this episode, Dr. Jean shares her method that she uses with her clients to help them finally reach the result that they haven't been able to achieve on their own. Whether that is a sales goal or chronic procrastination, she has a method that starts with ditching the idea of goal setting (I know, sounds crazy but hear her out!). Her method involves Z-A thinking, which starts with your ideal outcome in mind, and then works all the way backwards to the very first step that needs to be taken to get there. With this clear path set out, why would there be any reason not to achieve what you want? Living in a world of constant distraction can make it that much more difficult to do what needs to be done to move the needle forward, but by understanding your brain and what you need to do to make things happen, it comes down to putting in the work and getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. Tune in to learn to set your outcomes with intention and overcome your Caveman Brain®.

Key highlights:

Dr. Jean explains Caveman Brain®Z-A thinking: Going backward by starting at your outcome and figuring out the steps to get thereThe idea that our brain responds best to words that go up in sound, like “result” and doesn’t respond as well to words that go down in sound like “goal”A lot of people are not clear on their goals and others will put them down, so a strong belief system is essentialThe way you do anything is the way you do everything, so how are you doing things in other areas of your life?We live in a society full of distractionsOur brain chemistry is changing with technology

Connect with Dr. Jean Oursler:

Website: cavemanbrain.com

Episode resources:

TEDx talk on procrastination: TEDx: Inside the Mind of a Master ProcrastinatorBook: Living With a Seal by Jesse Itzler

Connect with Eric:

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