Torn between parenthood and a successful career? Not anymore! Tune in to how you can have it all and live your life while building a truly fulfilling career.


Episode Introduction: 

If you’re a business owner who often finds yourself overwhelmed, this episode is for you. Our guest today, Abbey Ashley talks about the benefits and importance of outsourcing work to create a work-life balance. She also shares the best practices to outsource work, even if it’s your first time.


Episode Summary: 

Abbey Ashley walks us through her journey of starting her business as a Virtual Assistant who was looking to do something to kill time and make some extra cash to now owning The Virtual Savvy, a brand that has taught thousands of virtual assistants how to run a successful online business. She shares her challenges, how she overcame them, how she grew her own team, why outsourcing is important, and also some super effective tips to do so starting today.


Main Takeaways:

When work starts to feel overwhelming and consumes your thoughts, sit with a journal to write down all about it. Just putting actual words to your feelings will help a great deal. Challenges are an indicator of growth so they’ll always be there. The important thing is for you to become someone who’s comfortable with facing their fears at different levels in life. Outsourcing can be really scary for multiple reasons but make sure you make an intentional effort to delegate work when you can and focus on your zone of genius. If delegation is difficult for you, start by outsourcing a one-time project to get in the practice of someone else taking over a task. How to outsource effectively: Start by outsourcing to tools first. Take a look at your outsourcing budget (after paying yourself first). Make a list of the tasks that you need to outsource. Find a VA that aligns with your brand and cultural values. Always choose action over perfection.


Recommended Resources:

Hire a VA: Join the HelloSavvy Waitlist:


Fun Facts About Abbey Ashley:

Some of her favorite books are Clockwork: Design Your Business to Run Itself by Mike Michalowicz and From 6 to 7 Figures: Simplify Your Business, Gain Your Time Back, Scale Faster Than Ever by Austin Netzley Some of her favorite business tools are Canva, Dubsado, ConvertKit, Kajabi, Slack, and Loom.


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