Today’s episode I discuss how a spiritual practice can improve relationships with others and self, how it can help your daughter, what it is and what it is not and intuition. What is a spiritual practice? Spiritual practice can include religious practices Morality deals with issues of right and wrong Ethical system set of values or beliefs and how we conduct ourselves in social scenes or relationships Spirituality is the inner knowing, connection to universe or higher power, higher awareness Maslow hierarchy of needs-used the terms "physiological," "safety", "belonging" and "love", "esteem", "self-actualization", and "self-transcendence" to describe the pattern that human motivations generally move through. Investing in yourself is supporting your mind, body, and spiritual self Journaling, meditating, chanting, taking walks in nature, body movement are all spiritual practices Why role model this to your daughter When young girls or women see their parents practicing “being” vs “doing” it helps give themselves permission to slow down Encouraging your daughter to have a spiritual practice can help maintain a connection to her own intuition and self-assuredness Can decrease the perfectionism or people pleasing behavior Can assist her in staying true to herself vs needing approval from others to follow her life's path  

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