Today’s episode I return to discussing budgeting, finances and planning with your daughter. At the time of this recording here in the Unites States, many high schools seniors are getting ready to graduate within the next month or so. This is an exciting time for many families and can also create emotions of sadness and worry. Over the last decade, I have worked with many teen girls and their parents in navigating this transition. One specific area that I continue to discuss with parents and their daughters is budgeting. As I discussed in episode nine if you haven’t already explored your beliefs around money I encourage you to do so you can help your daughter understand why you do what you do. For example, parents and caregivers what were you told about money growing up? Did you change some of your spending or saving behaviors after you were more aware of those beliefs? Many girls I have worked with over the years struggle with impulse buying or having watched adults in their lives live beyond their means. If this is you I am not judging you, but encouraging you to take charge of your money vs letting fear, denial or avoidance run your finances.

In this episode you will learn:

Scholarships and financial aid Why a budget for going to college is important Rescue or not rescue when daughter goes into debt 

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