Welcome! Today’s guest is Amanda Campbell, licensed mental health counselor and life coach in Indianapolis, IN. She works with creating connection with distance couples and creating balance for busy moms. Today we focus her work in helping busy moms create a more organized life for themselves and their families. I also wanted to let you know I needed to mark the episode as explicit due to one swear word in the title of what Amanda is offering at the end of the show. There is no other swearing or cussing, but I wanted to share that with you so you know it is not throughout the episode.

In this episode you will learn: 

Amanda explains the difference in counseling vs coaching services She works with busy moms who feel overwhelmed or stressed out Whether mom works full time or stay at home with kids Coaching can help with establishing goals, organization and positive perspective Amanda also offers working on goals of parenting and/or relationships She encourages family meetings (for more information on the importance of family meetings listen to Episode 2) and how the goals work for their family

Common Blocks:

Mom’s may have expectations they have to do it all Children are in many activities Need to have perfect meal plans Amanda helps moms discern what they want in their life and what works for them Establishing goals is looking at “is it realistic for you life”


Learn what organization is for your family  A system is created for your specific family needs How will it fit into your life Coaching packages Work two weeks on specific goals Organization is done around specific goals Doing a brain dump-write down specific tasks , Break those down into smaller steps Helps keep things more manageable She uses Wunderlist and Evernote app  Separate daily and weekly To-Dos Do you like paper/pencil, wall calendars or technology or combo. Use system(s) that what works for you.  She does quiz to help understand where they struggle with time management Trial and error once you create a system. May need to be changed or modified.  System needs to evolve through different stages in life May change due to season, i.e.summer, when school starts or holidays It is self-created-make it what you want It is stopping the comparison factor with your life has to look like someone else's This creates feeling overwhelmed and perceived standard of “being perfect” Amanda gives personal example of placing an unrealistic expectation on herself and her family regarding birthday parties

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Amanda’s Information: http://www.busymomslifecoach.com/ Sign up for her upcoming online coaching package: Becoming Super Woman: How to have it all without losing your S***

Book Recommendations: Brene Brown-Gift of Imperfection Cline & Fay-Parenting with Love and Logic