Welcome! Today’s guest is Anne Halleck, licensed mental health counselor and certified yoga teacher here in Indianapolis. She works with women and teen girls providing trauma informed group yoga.

In this episode you will learn:

Yoga has eight different stages Yoga is not only exercise, but increasing mindfulness and awareness Anne provides Trauma Informed Yoga groups for women/teen girls Eight weeks long Closed groups Psycho-education on what is trauma Some talk therapy Each week introduce new mindfulness practice (some yoga and more breathing techniques/meditation) Gain new skills to help calm the body and mind  Can process emotions during group and be held in supportive way in moving through intense or strong emotions  Anne had been doing group work separately and her yoga practice separately, then brought both modalities together for trauma work  Bringing awareness to the body can help reduce the stress levels and stop avoiding sensations that can seem scary Benefits of trauma informed yoga: Gain awareness of emotional and physical self  Stop the avoidance of feeling the emotions  Decrease avoidance of autoimmune issues, chronic pain or eating issues  Build confidence  Talking and practicing the skills  Increase distress tolerance and self-soothing Increase awareness of your self-talk Be more in the moment, present Help getting unstuck out of freeze mode Yoga is for every body type  Yoga is a mindfulness practice not necessarily a religious practice  Gain confidence in giving yourself permission to be vulnerable in a group and decrease minimizing or comparing what you have experienced. Trauma can be: Major losses Emotional trauma Abusive relationships Neglect Natural disasters Symptoms can include:  High anxiety  Flashbacks of event  Re-experiencing trauma Being on edge  Avoiding things that remind you of the trauma Some statistics for women:  1 out of 4 women is sexually assaulted in their lifetime (CDC states 1 out of 2 women experience sexual violence victimization) * Of the 1 out of 4, 70 percent have a trauma prior to 18 years old * Many sexual assaults happen by someone the family knows or acquaintance It is possible to get unstuck and regain your confidence

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Anne’s Information: @AnneHalleckCounseling on FaceBook [email protected]

Book Recommendations:

The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D. Overcoming Trauma through Yoga:Reclaiming your body by David Emerson and Elizabeth Hopper, PH.D.

Other websites:

https://www.rainn.org/statistics http://www.ncadv.org/learn/statistics http://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/nisvs/infographic.html