Last week I started this Season of Launch Rebels Radio talking about how my big word for Q3 (this quarter of the year) is LEADERSHIP. 

As I’ve been exploring how to be a better leader, I’ve been listening to podcasts on the topic and a recent one prompted me to explore the question: What does winning look like to you?

In this episode, I pull back the curtain a little on what winning looks like to me, for myself, my body, mind, and spirit. 

It feels deliciously selfish to think about and share with you… because it’s quite true the saying that you absolutely cannot pour from an empty cup (we’re not living at Hogwarts!). So tune in to discover how living for MYSELF and making sure that I’m personally winning, has affected all areas of my life in such a positive way.

I’m super passionate about this, and I can’t wait for you to dig in, too!