Have you ever wondered how you can get your business into a big media outlet like Forbes?

For many years I worked behind the scenes for Selena Soo and watched her students get a ton of media wins. I always told myself that I’d do it too someday, if I had the time to promote my own business.

Last year was my time. I finally decided to go all in and really focus on promoting and developing my own business. I started out accepting a lot of podcast features and being a guest expert in groups. Here’s the thing, they weren’t huge outlets with the biggest audiences, but I took every opportunity I got.

This year I decided to dream big and use the knowledge I had on media and the connections I have with Selena and Lynya Floyd and what do you know: We were able to make it happen!

If you want to come along the journey and get more visibility for your business listen to today’s episode to learn more about how I got into Forbes and how you can get featured in the media too! If I can do it, anyone can.