As a values based business owner, your brand story is the backbone of your business. They’re literally the reason we start our businesses.

“There was a moment where I was sitting in the public library in Portland, and I didn’t know how I was going to make rent the next month. I asked myself, ‘okay, what can I do?”

My first step was to make myself a list of things to do, the first act of which was to text people I knew to see if anybody knew of a job opening. Even just texting three people was enough for me to know that something good was around the corner...

Over the last few years I’ve seen partnerships change so many lives, including my own, and that’s why I started my Rock Your Affiliate Program.

Our brand stories are really just the life changing moments that drive us and make us want to help others like us.

Storytelling is NOT a self-serving act. In fact, when done right, storytelling can become medicine to those who hear our valuable stories. They connect us to our audience and help us reach the people who need our work the most.

Jaya Rose is a Speaking, Storytelling & Visibility Coach for Impact Driven Leaders and Creator of the Speak Your Truth Movement. She believes that now it is more important than ever to claim your movement, share your story, and speak your truth.