Did you know that 41% of businesses check reviews before they do business with you? Take a moment and flashback to the last time you sought to buy something. What did you do? You checked the reviews first, right? In business, reviews are essential. That said, it is crucial to note that people do not consider reviews that are a couple of months old. Always make sure you are getting reviews now and then.

Are you wondering how you can go about getting reviews from your clients? Here is my secret sauce. Whatever your services have, is to whoever, you’ve got to think about this as soon as you’ve just finished providing the service. That is when your customer is the hottest. That is where they know of you. They feel what you do; they are ready and poised.

When sending my review request, I use a Text expert expander plugin, an online tool. It’s a plugin for Chrome. Which the tool, you can shortcode, which means that you type in our one and it automatically fills some text, which will basically go into an email.

Listen in to find out more about my process for asking for reviews.

Key Talking Points of the Episode:

[01:23] The importance of reviews

[03:10]My secret sauce for getting reviews

Standout Quotes from the Episode:

“Reviews are part of your makeup as a business.”

“41% of businesses check reviews before they do business with you.”

Check out the Text Expert Expander on Google chrome.

If you get something from this podcast, I would love to get a review from you on Apple Music or Spotify. Your review will make it easier for more people to discover the podcast and get to enjoy the fantastic episodes here.