LM56 Laughter Matters- Heartbreak Hotel

Laughter Matters, Episode 56, 1/8/20, Heartbreak Hotel

Eighty five years ago today, Elvis Presley was born. Elvis died the day I left for college, 42 ½ years ago, so that means, Elvis has been dead longer than he was alive, which means he used to sing Suspicious Minds, today he’d sing Dementia Minds,

He used to sing Don’t Be Cruel, today he’d sing Don’t You Drool,

And he used to sing All Shook Up, today he’d sing, I’ve Fallen and I can’t Get Up.

Elvis appeared to have everything many people believe will make them happy, fortune, fame, millions of adoring fans pining to get one of his sweat soaked scarves, yet, he was constantly on a cycle of taking drugs to get up for a performance, then taking drugs to go to sleep, spiraling down to an early death.

Humans are not good at understanding what makes them happy. Many believe more money or more material things will make them happy, while research shows pursuing these makes us unhappy. That same research shows what actually makes us happy are:

Having quality relationships with family and friends.

Having a career or hobby we love and challenging

Helping others through volunteering or random acts of kindness.

In order to not end up on Lonely Street, I continue striving to remember the reality of happiness and work towards these instead of things that I know will not bring me happiness and I hope you will as well. Have a great Wednesday and always remember laughter matters.