Are you a planner? Whether you classify yourself as one or not, everyone has some sort of plan or way they think their life will go. Having a plan is good but more importantly is being able to let go of the plan if needed and still know there is meaning and purpose to your life.

Coach Caleb Price is on the podcast today talking about how young adults will have a much more fulfilling life as they learn to trust God and create the emotions they want to even when the plans they have made don’t work out exactly as they’d hoped. Caleb wants young adults to know that God can make much more of their lives then they could ever dream if they are willing to see the good that can come when life doesn’t go as they had planned.

If you know a young adult who could use some guidance in trusting God and creating a great life no matter what happens to them, please have them reach out to Caleb today so he can teach them how to do that. 

Enjoy this episode.


For more information about Caleb and for links to access all she has to offer, please click HERE!

To watch this interview on YouTube, go HERE.

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