Most of us try to avoid anxiety at any cost. It’s an emotion that tends to not feel the best and our natural instinct is to run away from it. But no emotion is bad and all have been given to us by our Heavenly Father. Coach Cory Hardman is on the podcast today talking about all the benefits we can have in our lives if we can learn to use anxiety as a tool to propel us forward to achieving our goals. Since every single one of you listening is a human, this is an emotion you deal with so come see exactly how well you may or may not be using anxiety in your life to create good things. If you have a teen or young adult who you know could use some help with managing their anxiety, pass this podcast along to them and then encourage them to sign up to chat with Cory on how they can manage it better. Cory, along with all the coaches here on the directory want every human to learn to use their emotions for creating the life they want. It truly is possible to have anxiety be a tool for creating greatness. This episode will show you how that’s possible. Enjoy!

For more information about Cory and for links to access all she has to offer, please click HERE!

To watch this interview on YouTube, go HERE.

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All content is copyrighted to Heather Rackham and featured coaches. Do not use without permission.