"Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” ~Mark 6:31. 

This week, I dive into the idea that we are often guilty of becoming human DOings rather than human BEings. As we enter into the Lenten Season, this is an invitation to spend more time simply being with God rather than trying to do for God. 

*Also* I will be taking a break to BE with God during this Lent. I have one or two more episodes that will come out, but will return in full force after Easter. I will miss you all, but will be praying for you during this time! Blessings friends. 

If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

I always love to connect :
suzanne @latteandlaundry.com