Yom Kippur is behind us, and Sukkot is approaching. Whether or not you are outside building your sukkah, we are here to provide you with the right music to get you in the mood for the holiday. This, of course, together with a selection of some great new releases and a feature on the debut album of the extremely talented Eden Ben Zaken!

Shikorim MiAhava - Eden Ben Zaken
LaTus L'Europa - Eden Ben Zaken
Kama Razit - Eden Ben Zaken
Malkat HaShoshanim - Eden Ben Zaken
Dubi Gal - Ron Nesher, Statick and Ben El Tavori
Ad SheTachzeri - Roni Danidin Levi
Bo LaMigrash - Boy Band
Avir - Shiri Maimon
Pitom - Mosh Ben Ari
Gingit - Amos Elgali
Kayitz Tzarfati - David Darai
Patish Masmer
Shlomit Bona Suka
Sukati HaSuka
Succos Medley