It's Rosh Hashanah on Sunday! We can't wait to celebrate the new year, and DJ Antithesis wants to get you in the mood with some special Rosh Hashanah-themed music. But... there have also been a lot of great new releases over the past few weeks, so he's throwing in some of those for good measure. A banging show as always!

Habib Jalbi - A-WA
El HaOr - Subliminal & Momy Levy
Rak LaAlot - Kafe Shachor Chazak
Ein Al Savta - Avi HaZamar
B'Rosh Hashanah - Ivri Lider
Shana Tova
BaShana HaBa'a - Ilanit & Ilan
Adon HaSelichot - Itzik Kala
Machei U Masei - Aharon & Yonatan Razael
BaDerech L'Uman - Itzik Dadiya
Adon HaSelichot - Naftali Kalfa
Melech HaOlam - Haim Israel & Udi Damari
Zochreinu L'Chaim - The Chevra
Rosh Hashanah Medley