The Jewish holidays are finally behind us and it's back to the work routine. But have no fear - Kol Cambridge is here to bring you a little something special with all the latest and biggest tunes, including new releases from Peer Tasi, Maor Edri, Regev Hod, and a feature on the new Omer Adam album!

Lanetzach - T.A.C.T
Hi Mama - Peer Tasi
Met HaOlam - Maor Edri
Dana - Elkana Marciano
EIch SheBa La - Regev Hod
Lama At Lo Ona - Omer Adam
Hi Rak Rotsa Lirkod - Omer Adam & Moshe Peretz
Az Tavoi - Omer Adam & Tzion Baruch
Mahapecha shel Simcha - Omer Adam & Lior Narkis
KshePagashti - Kobi Peretz
Tiveria - Stalos & Oren Chen
Lech Elai - Shirel with Ahuva Uzeri
Etmol Shilshom - Noki with Ahuva Uzeri
Ani HaYom - Sagiv Cohen
Simcha LaNeshama - Prachei Yerushalayim