Bruce Nachsin came to us through a podcaster facebook group. He has his own podcast called, 'The Fattest Fit Kid You Know'. He's super funny, a Hollywood actor, and knows a thing or two about living in your 'Are'. It was incredibly fun (and funny!) to sit and talk with Bruce for an hour or so.

Besides just being super funny and entertaining, Bruce has a lot to say about podcasting, changing old habits, and helping each other out in this complicated world. Like I told him, my face was red the whole time from laughing so hard. 

But Bruce isn't just being funny to be funny. It's his way of talking about hard stuff - by making it real and laughing at himself. Somehow that makes us feel okay to laugh at ourselves and maybe, just maybe, be compassionate toward ourselves. And each other.

You'll get a good feel for Bruce's insight from the short video preview below.

Also, check out Bruce's homepage where you'll see the different kinds of things he's done.

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