Where do you stand on the whole 'personal responsibility' issue?

I always assumed that I had to take care of my own stuff. I made my choices and had to deal with them.

When I had kids, everyone kept telling me, 'it takes a village', and I honestly didn't understand what they were talking about.

I guess I've always been a lone wolf - but I don't necessarily like that about myself.

So there's like this continuum from 'I am an island' on one end, and 'I live in a global village where everyone helps each other' on the other.

I'd MUCH rather be on the global village end, but I find myself on the other.

But I'm learning. That, guess what, it takes a village.

I don't know why some of us choose to do everything ourselves. Part of it is we think we'll do it better than others. Part is we are introverted. It also has to do with self-confidence - who would WANT to help us?

I also hate to ask for help or put anyone out. I don't know why.

But asking for help (and giving help) is a critical element of the universe we live in.

It is part of millions of years of evolution.

We are COOPERATIVE by nature. 

And not helping each other forces COMPETITION (one of my least favorite things, see Episode 6: Competition). And, yes, I see the irony of me not asking for help but also despising competition.

So this week I hope to shed some light on the 'village' issue and help anyone struggling with 'lone wolf syndrome' to look outside themselves. 

Life is much easier when we do it as a team. Take it from someone who had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the other side.

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