When I was a teenager I realized I would be working for the rest of my life. This hit me like a ton of bricks. This realization LITERALLY left me feeling like I had fallen out of a tree and couldn't catch my breath. Though I'd experienced physical pain by this point in my life, fully coming to understand that I was going to have to spend a significant part of my life doing things I didn't want to do was disturbing.

And it wasn't so much that I had to WORK. I didn't mind working. I had my first job at 13 and was gainfully employed when I had this epiphany about work. It was more that a big chunk of MY TIME was spoken for. 

I felt like I was seeing my future, and part of it was already planned out. It wasn't so much about the WORK thing, it was the CHOICE thing. My future was, at least in part, not my CHOICE. And I don't know why this created so much dissonance. But this was a true blindside. I didn't see it coming. I felt like I lost my whimsy.

And so that is, in huge part, what led me to explore the Are vs. Should Problem. Why do we struggle between the person we ARE and the person we feel like we SHOULD BE? A big part of this SHOULD is related to having to work and to have a career. A huge part of our youth is being on a path that gets us to that point successfully and to a greater extent than our parents or grandparents. From early on we are chugging along a course related to some place we will be in the future that will steal our time.

And the best we can hope for is to love the career so we are not wasting our time. To sort of 'double up' and get paid AND find pleasure in our job. 

Well, how many of us got there? How many of us arrived at the place where we can't BELIEVE we're getting paid to do what we love? How many of us LOVED spending all that time studying, and interviewing, and kissing up, and missing out. . . . How fun was that?

Sure, some people do find a path they enjoy and a career that fulfills them. But most of us don't. And this investigation intends to figure out why it happened and how we can change it. 

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