As I move toward Episode 50 and what I hope to be a major shift in what I'm working toward with KEW, I realize how important Unlearning is. 

How do we KNOW if we REALLY know what we THINK we know?

Well, we don't. But we can think about it. And unlearning comes in to play as a necessary 'next step' for those of us who have ever asked this kind of question. Or questions like:

Who am I?
What's all this about?
What's the meaning of life?
Is there life after death?
Why is my dad so racist?

Generally, Unlearning is only important to people who have ever wondered WHY they feel a certain way, think a certain way, or behave a certain way. Where did this 'certain way' come from? I'll develop this idea much further after episode 50, but for now let's say that MUCH of what we think, what we ARE, WHO we are comes from stuff we never really thought much about. Things we automatically learned as we grew up. Some of it we learned before we even had awareness. Or free will. Some of us carry these beliefs into adulthood. Some of us never know.

But for those of us who DO know. Who have asked these types of questions (who ARE you?). The first thing we have to do is recognize what we really KNOW and FEEL and BELIEVE and what's just a bunch of stuff we learned. And then to sort of 'wipe the slate clean' and start over. That's where UNLEARNING comes in. That's all I'm saying when I say UNLEARN.

It's about questioning our beliefs and our thoughts. It's about figuring out what we DO think and believe. And about getting on the path toward exploring what life is all about. It's pretty simple.

I hope you enjoy this week's episode and stick around for what's to come. Please follow me on my blog and/or YouTube and SIGN UP for weekly emails so you can participate in the development of these ideas.

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