Previous Episode: KEW Episode 33: Soul

WHO are you? WHAT are you? WHY are you? 

On some metaphysical level we are awareness. We occupy a body on earth that abides by the laws of physics and biology, but what goes on when we think?

When I meditate, or even when I'm just making decisions in my day-to-day life, I FEEL like 'I' (whatever 'I' am) comes from a spot in my head that encompasses my brain and my eyes. That's where I picture 'me' to be. But what is this? 

Some have called it the 'seat of consciousness' and I like that. I think of that brain/eye spot as being the drivers seat of my physical body. My awareness, and my Self, emanates from there.

Ok, but it gets weirder. The awareness in the seat of consciousness varies with my emotional state. Yeah, it's like I have multiple parts or characters that make up my 'self', depending on the situation.

If I'm fearful, the fearful me occupies the seat of consciousness.

If I'm sad, same thing. And so on for other emotions.

So I guess all these parts make up my self. 

BUT WHO AM I THEN? What is the self?

More like this in this weeks' episode. I hope you enjoy and please share with others you think might also enjoy.

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