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Have you ever felt like a slave to the 40 hour workweek? I know I never signed up for that, but I learned early on that to do the fun stuff I want to do I have to work for money to do it. Sure, I've had some hippie friends who tried a different tactic, and I even tried to pretend I could live on very little if I just didn't spend much. But, yeah, then I got married and had kids and, well, you know the story. Work is a 4-letter word for many of us, but the j-o-b pays the bills. We end up spending a lot of time working, and if the job sucks, it affects the rest of our life and cuts into our limited 'me' time to do all that fun stuff. Hell, a lot of us have so little free time that we kind of give up on the whole 'life' thing.

But I BELIEVE we can attain a work/life balance; do the fun stuff we want to do. Exercise. Meditate. Contemplate our naval. That stuff's important - it's part of being human. So we gotta learn to deal with the work side, either by tolerance, minimization, but also in learning to take advantage of what little time we have leftover to live our lives.

So here I talk a bit about people I've known and different approaches to balance. From maximizing work and making large bank, to combining work and life to 'live your passion', and some random ideas I came up with during the recording processes. Hope you enjoy and best of luck doing your own delicate balancing acts!

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