For the past twenty-some Episodes, I have been trying to figure out how to formulate my current question of interest.

Generally, I am trying to make the case that Nature provides a wealth of information. Further, I am pleading with humankind to CONSULT nature when making decisions. Especially decisions that affect our species' or planets' health.

I have used evolution and natural selection (with DNA being the mechanism) as filters, of sorts, that approve or disprove of various biological elements.

If something persists in nature through time, we can draw a safe conclusion that this has passed some sort of test.

If a biological feature exists, and persists, we may conclude that this feature is important.

These features, and the mere existence of biological elements, are evidence of their value.

That forms the basis of evolutionary biology, ecology, and arguably multiple religious and/or spiritual systems of thinking.

The leap I am trying to make here, and over much of KEW, is that this part of Nature, this WEALTH OF INFORMATION, might be used as a reference for human decision-making.

Stand on the shoulders of giants. 

Why not consult the natural world when we are asking new questions, addressing old problems, or considering which path to take to the future?

Can we not SEE that nature has been down these roads before?

I argue here that part of our problem is the idea of duality. 

Humans often, and increasingly so, see ourselves as being SEPARATE FROM Nature. 

We are one of many, many biological elements.

Further, as I will discuss in Episode 124, we see ourselves as separate from ONE ANOTHER.

I hope this Episode better explains my thinking and that you might join the conversation.

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