In part 1 of this series, I introduced the difference between asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction. 

Asexual reproduction is basically mitosis or simple cell division. This leaves little room for variation. Evolution and change are slow, and your kids are basically clones of you.

With the onset and ultimate domination of sexual reproduction, much more change becomes possible. New concepts like gender and parenting evolve. Evolution, itself becomes THE way organisms can adjust to changing environmental conditions. Biodiversity explodes.

The ecological assumption is that reproduction is the loophole that facilitates immortality. All life dies, but through DNA life can perpetuate indefinitely.

It's the most elegant solution to the irony that life is made to die. It isn't, really, Individuals die. Species can persist.

But, to me, the COOLEST thought experiment related to sexual reproduction is all the other 'stuff' that evolved to support this strategy.

In this episode, I'll explore the concepts of diversity, variation, community, communication, gender, sexual dimorphism, parental care, and even Love. 

Yes, the idea here is that our ability to love evolved as a supporting strategy for sexual reproduction and the perpetuation of species.

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