Who Am I?

Why Are We Here?

What is My Purpose?

Are We Living 'Right'? 

Questions like this - the 'big questions' have been around since antiquity. It's fun to think about when our brains reached a point in evolution where we started having luxury time.

Because it's a luxury to think. To ask these kinds of questions means we've already met our basic needs. At some point, we could sit down and take a breath. And then our brains started flowing.

We figured out how to not be hungry.

We figured out how to not be cold.

We figured out how to not be harmed.

Then the real human stuff started. The stuff that separated us from the other primates. We started gazing at our navels. We wondered what the stars were. We noticed patterns in things like seasons and animal behavior. 

Scientists will try and tell us when this happened, but I think all we can really say is that it was probably sometime between 200,000 and 15,000 years ago. That doesn't really matter, because we still do it today.

And the whole reason for doing the Acid Tests is because we STILL haven't found a satisfying answer. Or, there are still ways we can inform our question. 

Religion tried to give us a story(s) to explain it away.

Philosophy tried to logic us into an acceptable reason.

All the sciences tried to 'truth' or 'proof' these questions out of our system.

But we still wonder. We are still curious.

And I don't think most of us really want an answer. Or, if we do, we are going to be severely disappointed.

Because I don't think there is a single answer. The fun is in the journey. Thinking about what these questions mean and of all the possible outcomes is what makes life interesting. 

It truly is the journey and not the destination. So the purpose of the Acid Tests is simply to see if Nature and Natural Systems provide any new information. And, of course, they do.

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