One of my greatest character flaws is being resistant to people. When I meet new people I often assume they won't like the 'real me' and this often prevents me from developing deep relationships. Sometimes this is protective, because some people might ridicule you or react negatively to who you really are. But the worst result from this type of approach is not giving people a chance. I'm not sure I did that with Paul, but when we first met I didn't see the potential friendship because I was in my protective bubble - and that's on me.

Fortunately for me, Paul reached out to me and we have developed a friendship which has grown easily and effortlessly. And I owe him a debt of gratitude for initiating that and sort of pushing through any walls I might have had up. This is the first lesson Paul taught me. I guess the lesson there is to be open to the world rather than closed off. To believe that the world wants and needs your unique vision and that it's your responsibility to share it. 

Paul Gadola owns a CrossFit gym ( and his wife owns a healthy meals business ( so they literally embody the mind/body/spirit mantra, living it every day. Paul's messages are so well informed, well thought out, and COMPLETE that it's hard not to learn something from his videos and messages. His instagram offers so much to the spiritual thinker you will have plenty to chew on for weeks. And it's hard to argue with how he has compiled so many viewpoints, so many belief systems, and so much diversity in his messages. He seems to have filtered out all the junk and come up with a holistic, all-inclusive organization of a way to approach enlightenment for our species. 

Though I had a few issues during recording, we were able to capture a lot of Paul's wisdom in this Episode and there is a lot here to help us all grow and understand ourselves better. I strongly urge you to check out his instagram series or his facebook page to go deeper into what he is offering. And maybe send him some encouragement to package all of this into a book or something;)

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