I met DJ Doran when he reached out to interview me about my podcast. We hit it off rather quickly, and of course I had to have him on to discuss Curiosity.

In fact, the whole Curiosity interview series was inspired by DJ!

See, DJ told me my podcast made him curious, and he's a very curious guy as you'll see. And I realized that I am driven, in large part, by curiosity. It's in my daily life, it's in my music, and it's in KEW. But I had never thought about it, and certainly hadn't realized it.

DJ is an amazing guy. After a successful career as a pilot in the Air Force Reserves, he has become a leader and visionary in the LGBTQ community. He has lived on a sailboat. He has a husband and a daughter. He's the model of professionalism, yet super laid back. He's knowledgeable as hell, but maintains a natural curiosity about the world around us.

Curiosity is funny like that. It isn't obvious. Some people have it and others don't seem to care. For people like DJ and me, we sort of automatically bring curiosity into our daily endeavors. We can't help it. It's natural. And, as DJ will explain, curiosity can be very nuanced.

Curiosity can be brave. It can be scary. And it carries with it a certain responsibility to grow.

Curiosity can reveal who your real friends are. It is our ally.

But I'm letting my curiosity be too verbose.

To maintain the organic nature of our chat, I include the entire conversation here. I apologize for my audio, which is distorted, but DJ sounds great.

Please explore DJ's work. You can find links to most of what he does on his facebook site (podcast) and Aequalitas media (his media company).

I hope you enjoy listening to or watching the interview as much as we did doing it.

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