Episode #06: Jaeger ... Spun Out of Control

OK, extra long episodes are now our trademark. Another long one and we laugh a lot and talk over each other a lot. Sorry!

Thanks to scout for the special yarn dyed just for us called South Tyrolean Mankitten in Lederhosen. We also discuss customs strategies.

What's on (or off) our needles? We all have Montego Bay Scarf Madness!

German terms

Living in Germany - continuation about life as an expat - bills and exercising while knitting

Our special guest - Rock star Husband joins us!

A discussion about how much should you charge for hand knitted goods.

Announcements: Benediktbeuern, Secret of Chrysopolis Mystery Scarf KAL, Taste of Germany

Check out our blog at: http://knittersuncensored.blogspot.com or write us an email at: KnittersUncensored (AT) gmail (DOT) com, or check out our group on Ravelry called "Uncensored Knitters"

Closing Music: "Effeminate Boyfriend" by blu

Detailed show notes can be found under the following URL: