Episode #05: To Dye For, Dahling

Another extra long episode where we talk and digress and talk and digress even more. We are a week late because of a certain book that came out on the same day as we were planning on recording.

We talk about the special book and why we are late

Is knitting only for grandmas?

Elemm talks about his interviews with German publications

What's on (or off) our needles?

Living in Germany - living in apartments and platform toilets!

German terms

Cashyie has a marriage proposal!!!

Elemm and Ms. B dyes their own yarn for the first time

Announcements: Benediktbeuern, Passioknits and we announce the winner of the toilet drops contest

We have a special guest podcaster - Christine from the Pointy Sticks podcast and she talks about her adventures in Germany.

Check out our blog at: http://knittersuncensored.blogspot.com or write us an email at: KnittersUncensored (AT) gmail (DOT) com, or check out our group on Ravelry called "Uncensored Knitters"

Closing Music: "Places where people hide their money" by Ridel High (lead singer is Kevin Ridel, who was in a band with Rivers Cuomo of Weezer and Ms. B's rock star husband back in the day, and is now in the band AMRadio)

Detailed show notes can be found under the following URL: