Episode #07: Fun Filled With Fibre Factoids!

Woohoo! Another episode with our nonsense! :-p

We started off by Cashyie trying to eliminate Elemm from the show with high percentage alcohol.

And we have to talk about Tyrolean Mankitten.

Have you been Xlaxin' lately?!

Give you votes on our show notes!!

Thank you to Dharmafey from Socks in the City Podcast. And go listen to Knit Therapy!

What's on or off our needles?

Keep yourself fit while knitting: Go knit at the gym!

Elemm and Ms. B started spinning and Elemm is now hooked on it!

Cashyie had been secretly dyeing yarn with hair-dye.

Learn what "Ass Antlers" are and get those Wollmeise colourway names right.

Ms. B talks about Life in Germany: Working, vacations and holidays here.

Rock Star Husband makes his second appearance on the show for the quiz and he also tells us a story!

Ms. B got some Malabrigo to pet.

Announcements: Benediktbeuern (last announcement), Ms. B's Taste of Germany

Cashyie reads from her secret blog and we talk about our photo shoot with a glossy magazine.

Check out our blog at: http://knittersuncensored.blogspot.com or write us an email at: KnittersUncensored (AT) gmail (DOT) com, or check out our group on Ravelry called "Uncensored Knitters"

Music: Jonathan Coulton's "Sky Mall", brought to you by Podsafe Music Network (http://music.podshow.com)

Detailed show notes and polls can be found at the following URL: http://knittersuncensored.blogspot.com/2007/09/episode-07-fun-filled-with-fibre_03.html