Previous Episode: Anxiety and Events

This week we are talking about the article written for us by Candy Snatch on Plus size fashion woes.

The idea of a "plus size" isn't one we really like when everyone of size 16 or above is classed as "plus size" when that actually covers 47% of the population.

Rants Isle of Wight MP steps down after calling gay people "dangerous" [4:14]

Andrew Turner the MP for the Isle of Wight has stepped down after talking to a group of students and telling them that he thought homosexuality is "wrong" and "dangerous to society".

Read more on the BBC

Digital Economies Bill to become Law [11:00]

The digital economies bill has gain royal ascent which means it is only a matter of time before it becomes law here in the UK. It has far reaching effects on the Internet, one of the most chilling is forcing porn sites to verify the age of the user before they come onto the site. This is going to have an incredibly damaging effect on the growing indy porn scene here in the UK, let alone cam-girls and other home grown porn related sites.

But the reach if much larger than that. Any porn site that can be viewed from the UK must verify the age of the user or will be blocked in the UK.

Pandora Blake has made a great video on what it is and how it works. Check it out and support her on Patreon.

Plus Size Discrimination [38:08]

If you are thin finding clothes isn't a problem. You can find interesting designs in fun colours. But if you are plus size (as almost half of the UK population is) you have a much harder time.

Plus size lingerie shop asked to take down pictures [47:52]

A lingerie show in the UK called Livi Rae was asked to take down pictures of plus size and disabled models from their shop windows because they were "in poor taste".

If it has been thin models as they had previously had nothing would have been said. But because these models were outside the norm it wasn't acceptable. The very definition of discrimination.

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