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Anxiety at Events

This week we are talking about anxiety and events. Based on the post written for us by Princess of Kink. Anxiety is something that affects a lot of people but everyone tends to feel they are alone in it, when really everyone in the room and be feeling it some extent.

Rants Cornwall Teen Disciplined for Extreme Hair Style [2:02]

A teenager in Cornwall is being forced to study on his own after he had his head shaved to support his friend who has cancer. Normally this is something I can understand, a school has to have a certain level of uniform with their students, but it seems a little extreme to punish this boy when he was doing such a good thing for his friend and charity.

Read more on the BBC

Another connected vibrator is found to be totally insecure [6:03]

Recently I wrote an article for EAN magazine on the We Vibe that had been found to be sending back usage information to the company every time it was used. Another one has been found to be totally insecure.

Read more about it on Endagadget

Judge calls rapist "A good man" [8:52]

A judge in Utah called the Mormon bishop he just sentenced for raping a woman "A good man". It is unbelievable that this judge showed such poor taste as he praised the rapist in the dock in front of the victim.

Find out more

Praise Federal judge says if men can walk down the street topless then sho can women [15:25]

The case is still going on but the judge in Fort Collins made the point hat if men can do it then women should be able to as well. We are really hoping that this gets upheld because it is unfair that womens breasts are seen as only being sexual objects when men don't have that problem.

Read the story

Anxiety and Events [21:21]

It is something that is so common yet people think they are on their own. We talk about the ways anxiety can hit and how it can affect someone.

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