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This week we are talking about the article created for us by Molly Moore all about Long Distance Relationships.

But before that

Trump elected

It has to be talked about, it is a significant turning point in American history. It is something we honestly didn't think would happen. While we both find it hard to understand there have been a number of programs exploring who voted for Trump. While it is easy to dismiss them when you listen to why they have voted the way they have I can understand it.

What has happened here with Brexit isn't so far away from what has happened in the US. People have become sick of the established politicians and the lies they say to keep their jobs. They want something different and in the US Trump has presented that option.

It is a unique time in world history, it will be interesting to see what happens.

The lasting legacy... the supreme court

The most worrying part for me isn't the things he might do during his presidency isn't he will do during his time in office. It is the lasting effect he will have on the country through who he puts onto the supreme court. Those will be people who make decisions for the country for 30 years. The wrong person there can reverse some of the progressive decisions the US has made in the last few years.

Long distance relationships

We wanted Molly to write this one because Molly speaks from experience. Molly was moderating a forum. She started a friendship and that slowly turned into a relationship with Michael being in the US. Now they are happily living together here in the UK.

They are hard work, there is no doubt. But it is entirely possible to get to know someone and fall in love and find a way to make it work.

The most important take away for us was if you do have a LDR. When you do finally get the chance to meet you need to stay focused on enjoying the time you have. You mustn't focus on how short the time is.

Enjoy the time you get to spend with them, and plan to spend more time with them.

Little gestures go a long way

Giving little gestures that show you are thinking of the other person go a long way. Sending a hand written letter shows much more care and attention than any email ever could.

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