Previous Episode: How spooky can be sexy

Find out more about us Check out the website Follow us on Twitter @kinkcraft Find us on on Pinterest @KinkCraft Talk to us on Facebook Follow us on instagram Send us an email podcast at Rant of the week: The Kinkly Top 100 List

This last week the Kinkly top 100 list has come out and it has prompted something of a discussion on the value of a list like that. Most notibly from the blogger in the number one spot Dangerious Lilly.

From that she wrote a really interesting article on the value of ranking lists and are they something she wants to support. From there a number of other bloggers have also written their thoughts including Girl on the Net and Emmeline Peaches.

The most amazing part of the discussion is Dangerious Lilly has given her prize money to the Woodhull Conference to enable a couple of bloggers who can't afford to go to make it too the next one.

But on top of that she raises a number of valid points about this sort of competition and does it hurt of hinder the community at large. It is a tough question with points on both sides.

This was especially interesting to us because we are proud to sponsor the Top 100 Sex bloggers list being compiled by Molly from Molly's Daily Kiss. We love her approach because it isn't a popularity contest, it is only judged on the quality of the content. Is it about ranking the community. No it is about recognising who is working hard and who to pay attention too.

To see someone who really only cared about her craft and the people around her checkout Katherine Hepburn's ONLY Academy Awards appearance (she was nominated 11 times, and won 4 times). She wasn't even there to accept an award for herself but to honor her friend. Then see her beat Anne Bancroft, Faye Dunnaway, and Audrey Hepburn all in one go and not even turn up to collect it. Awesome.

Dating apps

Futurama Reference: Don't date robots

This week we are talking about Jilly Boyd's post on Are dating apps the only way?Do dating apps take away the romance of actually meeting someone?

What is the perception of the dating apps, is it to find true love or is it to find someone to shag? Is it really so different from going to a night club to meet someone?

Easy to weed out the idiots

The idiots are out there, the men and women who don't want to know you they just want sex and nothing else. They are out there in real life so it is no wonder they are on the dating apps as well.

The beauty is where in real life they can be hard to spot on apps they usually announce what they want pretty early and you have no worry about just saying no.


One of the problems with a dating app (or any online dating) is you open yourself up to being tricked by the person you are talking too. That is much harder to do when you meet someone face to face.

The anonymity of online interactions makes it much easier to conceal you true identity if you wanted to. It is something to be aware of.

The problem of choice

One of the problems online dating and dating apps has introduced is the problem of choice. Where previously you only had a limited pool of people you could meet now there is an endless stream of potential partners.

So where previously you might have put up with small flaws in someone now you can ditch them because the next person will be perfect.

What do you think?

Do you use dating apps? Do they work for you? What do you like about them? We would love to know.

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