Hello my loves! Welcome back to Kindful the Podcast. 

In this episode I'm sharing about a really important topic: forgiveness. 

I want to be really clear that when I talk about forgiveness and letting go, I'm not suggesting that we should just accept any and all behaviours. 

I believe two things can be true at once - there can be things that are completely and utterly unacceptable and unforgivable and I also believe we can find it within ourselves to come to a place of forgiveness, in order to set ourselves free from the hold these past experiences have over us.

Forgiveness isn’t condoning what happened in the past. It’s not saying we’re ‘glad’ it happened or proud of our actions or that of others. It’s recognising that holding on doesn’t serve us any more in this present moment. 

It’s recognising that we are all human and we are all imperfect. And who we are now is not who we were in the past. Forgiveness is about learning and growing from the past, and allowing ourselves to let go, in order to move forward in the present.

Forgiveness is about letting things go in order to experience more freedom and peace. 

We all deserve to be free. We deserve freedom from the pain, shame, guilt and resentment we may be holding onto from our past. We deserve to be free from anxiety, from self sabotage, from self judgement and criticism.

This can be a heavy and uncomfortable topic, so it's my intention to explore it in a really gentle way, through the lens of mindfulness, compassion and love. I hope that talking about this topic can encourage us all to reflect on how we can be more forgiving - towards ourselves and others. 

Thank you for listening, for being here and for being you. 

Go gently. xx